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" the most wonderful time of the year - for tris "

" the most wonderful time of the year - for tris "

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Hearts will be glowing,

Christmas dinner had gone off without a hitch, thankfully. Tris' mother had really outdone herself and Scooter offered to help do the dishes, spending most of his time complimenting the older woman on anything and everything he could think of.

She blushed, bashfully. "Ryan, dear, you're quite the little gentleman."

"Am I?" He smiled at her. "I was just complimenting you. I didn't have an ulterior motive, promise."

She nudged him, taking the clean dishes and putting them up in the cupboards. "Sure, let's go with that."

"Mom, Scooter, come on in here -- the games almost on!" Tris called from the living room and her mother, along with her husband, walked into the room before taking the two seats beside her on the couch.

Scooter took her hand in his before kissing it.

She shared a secret smile with him and winked.

They had been planning this for the past month and now, on Christmas Day, was the perfect time to let everyone know the news that sent the both of them over the moon and back again.

They were going to have a baby.

Tris' family was sat around the TV, watching the Cowboys game and, as much as she wanted to sit back and enjoy it, she couldn't wait for their respective reactions.

They would be happy, right?

After the end of the second quarter, Tris' father muted the TV and got off of his chair. He clapped his hands together and, with a bright smile, looked at the others in the room.

"Who's ready for presents?"

Her little cousins just about fell out of their seats, clamoring towards the tree and each of them chanting out, "Me! Me! Me!"

Everyone chuckled as they began ripping and tearing presents that were wrapped picture perfectly. The children opened clothes, dolls, action figures and the like.

After the kids went, it was time for Tris and Scooter to open their gifts. They thanked everyone for the thoughtful and lovely presents, before she handed her gift to her parents.

They stood there, watching with bated breath. Here went everything and she couldn't wait to see the look on her parents' faces.

Scooter pulled out his phone covertly and began recording, knowing that they would all want to relive this moment forevermore.

"It's small." Tris' father chuckled, smiling up at his daughter. "Wow, sweetie, gotta love the Christmas spirit."

"Take it easy on me." Tris rolled her eyes. "Just open it."

Her mother pointed to the gift. "This is for both of us, yeah?"

"Yeah." Both husband and wife responded.

Tris' parents shared a look of some confusion before beginning to open the gift. They weren't sure they knew what was going to be inside the small package, but there was a growing sense of intrigue. Soon, everyone was watching the older couple open their daughter's gift.

"It's a box from Macy's." Her mother announced, holding up the red and white box so everyone could see it.

Tris' smile was threatening to give her away, so she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep it from getting too big, too bright.

They took the lid off of the box and her mother pulled out a small gray onesie that was perfect for a newborn. The woman knew exactly what that meant and began crying, clutching the outfit to her chest.

"What is it?" Tris' father asked, trying to catch a glimpse of what had his wife in tears.

"Honey, we're going to have a --" she began, but showed him the tiny little outfit, with a design printed on it that said 'Baby's first Christmas.'

They were going to be grandparents. Tris' father swelled with pride.

The crowd of family and friends alike who saw what it was began cheering and shouting their congratulations to the happy couple. Scooter was still recording, but leaned over to press a kiss to his wife's cheek.

This was all Tris had ever wanted. Her mother brought her in for a hug and pressed kisses to her cheek.

"My baby's having a baby. This is the best gift I could have ever asked for." She couldn't help but gush over the whole situation before bringing her son-in-law in for the hug as well.

During the makeshift group hug, Scooter and Tris looked at each other.

I love you, he mouthed.

She grinned. I love you, too.

When loved ones are near.

When loved ones are near

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hey hey DodgerGirlx! i really hope you liked this and thanks for requesting! happy, happy holidays!


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