Without You

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I fell asleep. We didn't celebrate my birthday. I was too sad to even look at the cake. I thought he would have come back but he never did. I thought to myself, if this was the end of the friendship I had with Luis. Beth was concerned. She would come check up on me that evening. Austin was with me though. I laid in my bed in my blanket and he was on the left side playing on his phone. I remembered going downstairs to get some chocolate milk. It made me feel better. Anyway, I heard Beth talking to someone on the phone but I didn't hear what she was saying clearly. Instead of ease dropping I just went back upstairs to my room where Austin was. All I felt after I fell asleep was someone hugging me. I eventually stopped crying and realized nothing would change if I continued. He was already gone. The following morning. I woke up to find Austin still by my side. Beth left a note in the kitchen saying,
" Elizabeth, I'm going to town be back as soon as possible.... Please take care and there's chocolate cake in the refrigerator. "
I walked around only to to know that my best friend is gone. The house was so quiet without him. I tried calling him once that morning but he never answered.  I went back into my room got a new pair of clothes and went into the bathroom. When I was done there I went back into my room. Austin was still sleeping. I didn't want to bother him, so I just laid next to him and checked on my phone. Good News! I got a text, but from an unknown number. It said,
" I'm sorry I left but it was for our own good, you look happy having your new friend around. I didn't want to get in the way of your love life. I'm here in New York soon about to get married. I'll send more updates for you. This is my new number too. I'll miss Virginia,Beth and you most of all..... Love your best friend Luis."
I teared up reading the text. I couldn't think of a way to make things better. Instead I crawled back up into my blanket and cried again. Austin eventually heard me. He woke up and asked me if I was okay or hurt. I was hurt. Emotionally.
Lunch had came and Beth brought some fried chicken. We ate till our stomachs started to hurt. Austin was doing funny things with the fries and I was laughing. For the first time. Without you Luis. Maybe Beth was right. Maybe I needed some time to relax. After lunch I took a bath to fresh up and made my decisions straight. It was Sunday so I decides to go the movies. Not alone though, with Austin. I invited him to the movies and he said yes. We got ready and took his car to the movies. We watched "A love story : Ereri." I enjoyed it. During the movie Austin wrapped his arms around me. We ate popcorn together and drank some coca cola. It was a very nice evening with him.
" I'm glad I came back for you," he said when we were walking out of the theater.
" You came back for me?" I asked puzzled.
" Yes of course I know what I did was wrong but it won't happen again......I promise," he said as though he wasn't playing around.
I looked up to the sky and saw how the stars were slowly starting to disappear and thinking about what Austin had said.
" I forgive you," the words fell right out of my mouth.
He looked at me with great thankfulness and he hugged me. Just this time differently and tightly. I hugged him back too. The rain started to pour down from the sky and it was cold. He stopped the hug. Stepped back, grabbed my face and kissed me under the rain. I was surprised. He really did change. I think I can trust him now. He kisses me under the rain for like a minute when Beth saw us and came to scold us. It was actually kind of funny. We went home and we each took a turn to get out of our wet clothes. I went into my room and laid down. Austin came in.
" Elizabeth I love you," he said walking in and coming close to my bed.
I didn't answer.
" Austin you truly are I wonderful guy, and I really enjoy your stay -.." he cut me Off.
" Elizabeth would you like to be my girlfriend again?" he asked me hesitantly.
" Austin I................

To be continued

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