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We walked in and I got to say it wasn't the same. I walked upstairs to her room and I could smell her scent coming from there. Austin came along but it's not like he belonged here anyway. I sat on her bed on the edge. Closing my eyes remembering all the good times we had. Beth was in her room still crying. I would have comforted her but I myself was broken. I looked at the picture she had from Beth and us. We all were at the beach together. Elizabeth use to write poems I would read them for her when she asked me too. She never got rid of the book so maybe it was my chance to find this book. Austin had walked out to go find Beth. Meanwhile I was searching for a book. A yellow book with blue butterflies on it and it wrote Journal on the cover page. The room was silent and I looked in all draws and her bookshelf. I felt hopeless now, but I forgot one thing. Under her bed she would leave stuff she forgot about. I quickly looked under and a box was there. I lifted it up and sat on the bed again and saw poems, pictures, her year books and more memories.  I looked for a specific book though. I looked way at the bottom of the box and there it was. The book where she wrote her feelings out and poems and her everyday life. One of my favourite poems of hers was:

Dear My Secret Lover,
Although you don't know about me,
I'm always here to be.
Although you don't know anything about my feelings,
I lay here all night dreaming.
Dreaming about how close we've touch today,
To hide such secret from you I felt so much pain.
One day you'll know the truth,
But for now I remain mute.
                                       Forever yours,

She had such talent but I never found out who was this " secret lover". I flipped more pages reading her poems and how days use to go. It felt just like yesterday I was in here with her, touching her beautiful face. I reached to a page that wrote your identity. I guessed it was another poem so I read it to find out.

Your eyes are dark brown,
Everytime you're around,
I seem to fall on the ground,
Yet you don't hear a sound.

You know me and I know you,
Our love was made so true,
When you're not around I get blue,
And you'd say you're only going to take a few.

Everytime you'd come back my eyes would light up,
You made me feel unstopoable,
Luis you made me happy just by looking at you,
I'm sorry I never told you this,
But I have always loved you.

I was shocked. I thought she'd never feel the same way as I felt but I was wrong. I should have told her before all of this happened. I decided to keep the book for myself and I showed Beth where all the last memories and pictures were from all of us together. Austin didn't seem too happy. Beth smiled looking at all the photos. I was glad that I found them. At this point I felt a relief that I finally knew the truth. I went back into her room and finished cleaning and Beth helped me. Austin couldn't take the  grief so he left for a while.
" Beth look at how many things she's been placing under her bed, " I said.
" She really does keep everything after all moments, " Beth replied.
" I'm so happy I met your cousin... She made me the happiest person alive... She still does, "
" She was the best cousin, I guess I'll be taking care of the house for her, probably you could stay, "
" Yeah I was thinking about that I don't want to leave anymore, not again, "
" We'll work it out, "
" Yes we will. "
Beth walked out of the room to get some water. This wasn't how I planned my life to go. I fell in love with my best friend and she's gone because I couldn't tell her I felt about her. Now all I have are memories and the thought of her to keep me going everyday.  Elizabeth Emerald Collins I will forever hold you in my heart. You will forever be my soulmate. I have loved you from the start when we could have never been apart.


This is the end of my book. Shout out to J_marie13.

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