You Found Me

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Saturday ( Wedding Day)

Luis's point of view

" What she never arrived last night I mean I would know I waited for you guys all night, " I said
"Something's wrong, she's missing, she just wouldn't want to wonder off like that," Beth replied back.
"Beth I'll send someone to look for her on the streets that lead to here maybe she ran out of gas okay no pressure, Bye. "
The call ended. Maybe even my heart. Whatever happens now is just meant to be. I was scared and even afraid I lost her. It's my fault for leaving her in the first place. I had to go look for her. I didn't care if I was about to get married this was my best friend we were talking about and I wouldn't let anything stop me from saving her.

"Luis you need to get ready, where are you going?" Veronica asked.
" I'm sorry but I don't want to marry you, my best friend came all the way here to see me and she's the one I truly love not you, Goodbye. " I replied.
I could see from the corner of my when I looked back at her, she was crying. Maybe she did love me but I was so caught up Elizabeth and my actions towards her. I needed to find her and tell her the truth. The truth about my feelings. Probably it'd be too late, but I have to see her one last time. I drove off on my own since Veronica was seen crying they'd think it was my fault and they wouldn't take me anywhere. I drove and noticed that a car dissembled. I prayed that it wasn't her, but my prayers weren't answered. I drove up slowly to the crime seen only to see her lifeless body on the ground. I cried, and I cried.
" Beth she's gone, Elizabeth crashed and died last night. " I said to her when I called
Seems she was too upset that she ended the call as she heard what I said. I called the police to investigate and take her body for autopsy. I waited there with her. I waited.

After some minutes later I could hear sirens up ahead. The blue and red lights flashing with the ambulance with them. I was sad and I couldn't really move. I was crying so much.
" Sir we need you to step back while investigate this, " a cop said to me.
I moved and left her there for the paramedics to take her from the floor.
For some reason the cops thought I crashed into her car but I was innocent. Later we were still there and the cops saw two young hikers.
" Come here you two, " he said.
The hikers came up to the path last where we were. They were pretty shocked to see such death.
" Any information about last night, anything you saw, heard or did?" he asked.
" Well we did hear a loud crash but we thought they were some kind truck or something passing by this road, " the female said.
"I mean you can't possibly think we did this, it was a very cold night and the fog was thick I mean for a driver it would be very dangerous, " the male stated.
" So what you're trying to say is that it was cold night very foggy and the road was slippery and wet from the fog that fell down and the driver was driving above speed limit and her wheels lost control from the wet road and the car flipped over?" The cop asked.
" Well yes we came in a car around 6 here and the weather was just like described and also the road was just like that, thus gives us  a accident, " the male replied.
I didn't want to believe it. The cop looked like he had already got his death story already. The cop didn't hesitate. He quickly got in his car and let the others deal with the rest. The ambulance had already took in Elizabeth's body and they were about to leave. I followed the ambulance and texted Beth to meet me at the hospital. Hopefully she'd be there.

After a while I arrived. I was in the waiting room and there Beth was crying along the guy that was with Elizabeth.
When he saw me he wanted to kill me I could have tell.
" It's all your fault if only you'd live your life and leave her alone none of this would have happened, we were engaged and we were planning our lives together and you took that from me," he began raising his voice at me.
I didn't want to fight so I just walked away and sat down comforting Beth thinking about what Austin said.
" You found her Luis, thank you for that.... Thank you, " Beth said crying. I hugged her. I was thankful that I found her too.

Elizabeth's pont of view

He saw me and then I knew for the first time in a long time he loved me. He was crying and crying and so was Beth and Austin. I felt bad for leaving them. I saw them waiting in the waiting room for results of my body. I hugged them all. Even though they wouldn't feel it. I hugged them and said that I love them and that miss them all. Thank you Luis.....  You found me.


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