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I woke up shortly after my dream became blank. I sat on the bed seeing Austin sleeping and Lila my cat that had been missing for a few days. It was about 12 pm and I have to admit I was hungry. My phone didn't have any notification and the house was bloody quiet. My hair was loose and I was only wearing a long T-shirt with some shorts I use to sleep. I went downstairs to find some noodles in the cabinet I drank some water and went back upstairs. I jumped on Austin and he woke up too.

Luis's point of view

I left her there because I was too much of a coward. Now I'm here with someone I truly don't love.
" Good Afternoon Luis I must say you look divine today. " said Veronica.
She is royalty visiting the United States for a trip. She's basically from England. My father and mother insist that I take the hand of a woman I don't even know or love. I left and came here to think it was the only thing I could do. To let Elizabeth be happy with her new friend.
" Thank you very much my dear I've been waiting for you since this morning where have you been, " I replied.
" Doing personal stuff with my mother who is not here right now, " she replied in a hurry.
" Do you love me Veronica?" I asked
" Luis I do more than the world will ever know, " she said hugging me.
I was happy yet sad. Veronica and I are getting married on Saturday before we leave for England. I can't take the thought of Elizabeth out of my mind. My parents ask me if I'm okay even my fiance and I can't say no. I'd have to lie to them of course. Even though it hurts me. Veronica is beautiful but sometimes has a nasty attitude. Her Butler Sebastian gets tired of her at times. She's sometimes too needy and it's very annoying at times. Never the less my best friend is in love with someone else and I'm in love with her. I am a man and I can't let my parents speak for me right? I've got to stand up but I can't at the same time. I'm here in this room sitting at the corner of the bed having fancy clothes on and it's just not me. Why can't I get out from here? I want to see her. I want to see her one last time before I leave and never see or hug her again. I love her. I love her so much I can't loose her. It's just my dream to be with her.

Elizabeth's point if view

Austin and I were playing pillow fight. We got tired after a while. He ate his lunch and came back upstairs. The house was clean as Beth always leaves it. It was already 3 pm. Beth should be arriving soon. We both cleaned the room up and laid down to watch Netflix. My favourite movie: The Lovely Bones. We both enjoyed it. We had pop corn, sodas and nachos. Beth seems to be very independent. She works hard and has her ups and downs but she's very strong.
" Austin, why did you come back for me?" I asked while the movie was finishing.
" Well I grew up from the past days and realized what I did to you was a horrible thing to do, " he replied.
" Why until now?"
" After you left I realized how sad I made you and I thought you'd never love anyone again. "
" Elizabeth I came back to tell you how sorry I am and I truly mean it, " he finished stating.
" I believe you, "
" Elizabeth I realized how much I truly love you after I didn't hear your voice, see your beauty, and that feeling of knowing someone loves me for me, "
" Austin you came in a sudden and made me realize I needed to be happy and now I'm really happy, "
He hugged me and he probably was crying. Am I really happy or is it all in my head. Austin hugged me tight like he didn't want to let go. I didn't want to let go of someone either. I guess I'm happy with myself knowing that I am happy. Beth came in late than usual I wander what she's up to. I was in the bathroom bathing when I heard screaming. I quickly got my towel and ran out. Seeing her there screaming and throwing stuff at a boy. I've never seen this boy before. Was Beth secretly seeing him. I quickly ran back up and called Austin to take control of the situation. While I hurry went to put some clothes on. It seemed as the night might be a long night for us.

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