The Weekend (Part 2)

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Beth never called or texted me all morning. I spent the morning with Luis though. We talked for a long while. Now it's 1 pm and Beth hasn't contacted me. I wonder where this girl went.

Luis's Point of View

We talked all morning and I was glad. I think I'll tell her how I feel before the end of the day. I feel bad, maybe she's confused of the actions I do towards her. My poor sweet Elizabeth, my feelings for you are no mistake. Their not.

Elizabeth's  Point of View

He left me alone in my room and went downstairs.
"Ring Ring, " a phone rang downstairs.
"Luis please keep her company meanwhile I still run some errands here in town okay?"
" Yes sure, she's in her room actually and I'm downstairs thinking about how I could tell Elizabeth how I fe-.... I mean how I am trying to make today a special day for her."
"Okay.?. Just take care of her,"
"Sure will, see you later."

The conversation ended there. I wasn't far I actually was going downstairs for a cup of water. Instead I just yelled his name. I went to my room back quickly. He came up running thinking something was wrong.
" Yes Elizabeth?"
"Oh right, I wanted something to eat and drink."
"Sure my lady, I'll be back soon."
"Okay I'll wait here."

He went back down and all I heard was the door open and shut. I laid in my bed waiting for him to come back. I watched videos, played music and so basically I was entertaining myself. He didn't take long he came back soon. He brought me a big box of orange juice and BBQ it was delicious. An hour later Beth still didn't text or call. I was starting to get worried. We were seating on the edge of my bed. A conversation started.
" Elizabeth have I ever told you your eyes are beautiful?" he asked me looking at my face.
" No, not that I remember but you're just saying that cause it's my birthday right?" I asked drinking some orange juice.
" No, I'm saying it cause it's the truth. " he stated.
" Thank you Luis it means a lot coming from you," I stated hugging him.
He hugged me back tightly. I wanted to ask him where's Beth but I didn't want to ruin the moment. A minute later the front door opened and shut back. I wanted to run down but Luis arrived first. I ran down too to see who it was and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Luis's Point of View

I thought Beth arrived but it wasn't her. Who is this? Why is he here? Does Elizabeth know him? Is he going to ruin my time with Elizabeth?
So many questions I asked myself. I don't want to lose my Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's Point of View

What is he doing here? He just came unexpectedly like I wanted to see him which I don't. He's just going to ruin my relationship that was just starting with Luis. I can't let this happen. He stood  there like anyone was happy to see him. No one really was. He came towards me and hugged me.
"Happy Birthday Elizabeth, how are you? I haven't seen you for a long time, how is it going? Who is this? Is he your boyfriend?" he asked as soon as he let me go.
I couldn't stand too much questions from him. He was getting annoying that's why I guess I broke up with him a year ago. I wonder if he thinks I still like him but I really don't.
" Uh what are you doing here?"I asked surprised.
" I'm here to celebrate your birthday with you, don't you want me here?" he asked confused.
" Uh well I didn't expect any visitors nor did I think about celebrating my birthday with anyone else just Luis and Beth," I replied back.
He looked at me hard and then at Luis. I just invited him inside so I could get rid of him faster. Let me tell you a little bit about "this guy". We dated a year ago but I broke up with him because he was cheating on me with my female best friend. That's why now I have a male beat friend and I love my best friend so much. I don't want to lose him because of this guy. I gave him a glass of water and sat to talk to him and catch up a bit with him. I really just did it to not hurt him. Luis went into my room for some reason he felt bothered he said when he pulled me to a side. I really don't know whats going on with him.
It was already 6 o clock pm and Beth hadn't arrived yet. Yes I spent almost the whole evening talking to someone I really didn't want to talk to. I called her but no answer so I just waited. While I was waiting "this guy" was talking and he came close to me. I didn't like the feeling.
" Elizabeth you're as beautiful as the day I met you," he said to me.
He came closer to my face And I  was pulling back. I don't feel that way anymore for him. At the same time Luis was coming down the stairs and saw it. When he saw it he ran back upstairs and I yelled his name but he never stopped running. I followed him but he locked the door of the guest room. I knew he felt hurt buy why?
" The guy" was confused but now I didn't want to talk to him. He made me get so mad that I wanted to kill him. Now Luis is hurt and it's my fault. I hoped that Beth would come soon.

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