Secrets (Part 3)

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Around 2:20 pm

I couldn't believe it. He actually reached out to me and Austin tried to hide it from me. When I threw the vase Beth and Austin were scared I could have told by the looks on their faces.
" Elizabeth just stay calm I mean we could catch a flight and then drive with your grandparents car to Luis's place it's not difficult actaully, " Beth said.
" You guys shouldn't have hid this from me I'm so disappointed, " I said depressed.
I continued, " It wasn't fair for me to have this happening to me.... You guys just have to understand I lost my parents, my best friend and now I'm feeling like I'm loosing the only two persons I trusted and it hurts me to know this. "
I felt empty and sad. Something I've felt from the day Luis left me here to suffer from sadness.
" Elizabeth the weddings tomorrow, make up your mind. " Beth said.
Austin had seem as though he had given up but I lost the grudge I had for two of them.
" It's okay guys I'm not mad anymore, let's all of us just get packed and we'll start heading out." I said.
Beth got up and went and Austin stayed sitting in the ground looking sad. Like he'd lost again.
" Austin I love you and I will marry you, my answer is yes... We'll get married and have kids.. come on let's go, " I said to him taking his hand putting the ring in his palm making put the ring on my ring finger.
" I'm sorry Elizabeth I just thought he'd ruin things if I let him get in the way, " "I'm glad you said yes though I love you too. " he replied back.
He had been crying. Austin was crying for me. Just like Luis was.

We went back to my room, he packed and by 3 we were off to the airport. I told Beth not to contact Luis until we arrived there. I'd go visit him myslef if I had the chance. We boarded the plane and three of us sat on the same row. Thankfully the seats were three seaters. I layed on Austin shoulders and holding his hand. It was a long flight. I slept the whole way there. Overwhelmed about everything and sad about everything. It had come to my mind that life as an adult was hard. I should have listened to my parents. Maybe they'd still be here.

2 hours later

We had arrived at the big apple. We caught a cab to my grandparents house and we relaxed there for about an hour. We caught up on all our past moments, except what had happened in Virginia. My grandmother Sofia was very old and my grandpa takes care of her very well since his a little younger. It was so great to finally be home and I could feel my parents presence in the house.

7:00 pm

" Okay Beth and Austin I'm leaving to go find Luis and talk to him, so Beth give me locations and Austin stay in my room and don't come out." I commanded.
Beth gave me directions and Austin went back to my room. I took my Grandfather's old car and drove off. About 3 miles where I was staying just that they stayed some where on the outside of New York. Where no body would be at this time. I took off to surprise him. I felt happy at some point, but at the same time I felt bad.

It was a very cold night and fog started to accumulate on the road. I could have hardly see anything. The street was wet and slippery. I was driving fast and I could have barely see the road or anything on it. I just wanted to see him, hug him and talk to him. Once more before I loose him to someone I don't even know. The moment of truth. I places my feet on the gas pedal and the car moved faster every second until........
Nothing I'd ever expect to happen. I pushed it to the limit until I found myself lying on the ground bleeding to death I tried to get up but I couldn't I was too hurt. My head was bleeding, my ribs were crushed and the only thing I remembered after that was seeing a bright light the one people always tell you not to follow when you're about to die.I tried fighting it but I gave up. Knowing that maybe I'll never get a chance to have my own children and get married I was hurt already and I didn't want to continue feeling hurt anymore. I knew I was dying. I followed the light,  and thought maybe I'd be happier without any problems anyway. 

I am so sorry for this guys.. 😢😢💔

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