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After finding Elizabeth's body and waiting at the hospital.

Luis's point of view

Her ribs had been crushed which caused internal bleeding. She had been driving too fast just to come visit me. She wanted to see me and talk to me. I shouldn't have left. I was hurt. It wasn't her fault. Some how I blamed myself for all of this. For not telling the truth for not telling her I loved her. Beth cried. She was saying  she was sorry she hadn't done anything. I felt the pain Beth felt maybe even more. Austin on the other hand was honestly crying out. I didn't know he loved her as much as I could have.
She's gone. We went to Elizabeth's grandmother's home to tell them the news. They already had lost their daughter and now their granddaughter. They couldn't afford for a funeral. In which a funeral is a tradition for their family. We suggested to burn her body and throw her ashes into the ocean where she loved. I remember growing up with her, we'd go swimming almost every weekend and she'd be the first to run into the ocean. She'd always help sea turtles get back into the water. She was just an amazing person. Her grandparents agreed and that's what we did but not in a sudden. We waited for the body to return and we organised everything.
We did it on her favourite beach in New York. We did at the evening and had close friends and family members to sit on the beach, for the ceremony. It wasn't really a windy evening. Everything was just calm and that sad feeling roamed the air. I thought to myself if she ever loved me. Now I'd never get to find out. Never.

Elizabeth's point of view

I sat on an empty chair there on the beach. Looking at everyone. Looking at how each of them were sobbing. They were all dressed in white. We don't like dressing in black for our family funerals we think of it as though we're sad, so we came up with the rule that we must wear white.

I got up from my chair and walked towards Luis. He couldn't see me, it was just me thinking that he could possibly see me. I hugged him and whispered in his ear. He might have felt a chill down his spine and I could tell he knew I was around. I went over to Austin and hugged him too. I knew I was crying so hard, but it wasn't like it counted at all. Then I went to Beth the person that was there for me when I needed her. I squeezed her. The thought of them killed me again. I didn't expect it.

Here I was stuck between Heaven and Earth.  I didn't want to leave just yet. Not just yet. I saw as the ceremony went on and started to feel empty all over again. I saw as they left the beach but 3 people remained.
" I can't believe it she's gone, " Austin said.
" I should have went with her, " Beth said.
" Guys she's in a better place... We should be happy she's not going through what she was before, " Luis said.
I agree with him not because he's my best friend but because it's true. I am in a better place and I guess it's time for me to let go from Earth and be happy. I got emotional but I knew it was the right thing. Leaving everything behind to be happy. I let go of everything and I was off. Good luck to everyone and I hope they have a happy full life.

Luis's point of view

Beth drove her family home. She told me she was going back to Virginia to clean Elizabeth's room out and I said I'd come along. She didn't want to get rid of anything she just wanted to leave it clean and find long lost memories. Austin was with Beth. He never said a word after we left the beach. I didn't have nothing against him at all. We planned to catch first flight back to Virginia. Of course the three of us travelled together.

The night went by pretty quick. We all met at the airport and had a long 2 hour ride. When we arrived in Virginia we stopped to get something to eat. It was a gloomy day. That it even made us gloomy. Beth hardly wanted to eat but I insisted that she did. I didn't want her to be next. After breakfast we headed to Elizabeth's house. Where it was quiet, dark and felt lonely.


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