You Said...

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The Danti oneshot was inspired by a song and fan art. Yes it's on the sadder side and no, it might not make sense. If you aren't here for Danti then ya don't gotta read it. The song is Dark singing to Anti, put the picture and the song together and the story kinda makes sense. Also please note that in this story everyone is close and things are forgiven. Especially in the WKM situation.

- Go ahead and start the song -
3 years ago

Jack, Mark, Anti, and Dark are all teamed up for once to defeat the shadow people, whom want to kill them. Anti used his acid and killed multiple while Dark used his tentacles and tactics. Jack and Mark used hand-to-hand combat. Tim and Sam where there as well. It was going well, the guy's were winning and the shadows falling.

"We did it! Finally!" Jack shouted as the last of them crumbled. They all looked at each other. "ANTI WATCH OUT!!"

It went silent as a light sword was stabbed through his chest, in seconds that shadow died at the hands of Dark. Jack collapsed, as did Anti. Jack was simply unconscious as him and Anti's bond was breaking and repairing in a rapid attempt to save Anti. Dark cradled Anti in his arms, blood dripping down bodies.

"Dark, I'm so sorry." Anti whispered.

"No Anti, shhh. You'll be fine." Dark hushed him rocking back and forth. Tears already threatening to fall.

"I'm not going home with you tonight Darky." Anti smiled as best as he can.

"No, d-don't you say that." Dark cried.

"It's ok, don't cry." Anti lifted a hand slowly and wiped away his tears, "I love you."

And his hand dropped, lifeless in the puddle of blood around him. Screams of pain and terror could be heard through the night. Anti's body gliching and dissolving away. Jack woke up 3 days later and never spoke about it, neither did any of them.

Present Time

*Thought we had the time, had our lives
Now you'll never get older, older*

Dark is sitting in his room, simply staring at the static TV. Thinking...again. Thinking that maybe, after 3 years, Anti would come back.

*Didn't say goodbye, now I'm frozen in time
Getting colder, colder*

"I didn't tell him I loved him. I didn't even say goodbye. He was just...gone." Dark stated to his brother, Wilford Warfstache, who walked in the room while he was silent.

"Darkiplier, it happened 3 years ago..." He reminded. Wil doesn't understand, he could never understand, but he isn't judging.

"Are the SepticEyes here?" Dark asked changing the subject.

"Bing, Jackiboyman, Marvin, the weird quiet one, and Dr. Schneeplestein are here. Don't think Jack has made it." He informed and walked out making sing-songy sounds.

*One last word
One last moment*

"I love you."

"I love you too."

*To ask you why
You left me here behind*

"Why'd you leave Anti? We were gonna be happy." Dark asked to a non existing Anti. A knock came to the door and it cracked opened slightly.

"D?" Jack's voice came from the door. Dark look up, ignoring the nickname that he's said not to call him, multiple times.

"Sean." He replied, letting him sit down. "Haven't seen you for a while."

"Yea, I'm sorry. Look we haven't talked about it and we need to." Jack sighed. In a second Jack was held against the wall by hiys neck, but he didn't even flinch.

"We don't need to talk about anything." Dark doesn't even know why he's angry and he doesn't realize he's killing Jack while thinking about it.

*You said you'd grow old with me*

"Anti! Come back, baby please!"
"Why'd you leave me? Why'd you leave?"

Jack instinct finally kicks in and he grabs Dark's arm trying to get him to let go.

"D-Dark." He whispered, facing turning red with a hint of blue. Dark snapped out of it and finally let go. Jack dropped to the floor gasping for air and coughing.

*We had plans
We had visions, Now I can't see ahead
We were one
We were golden
Forever you said*

"I'm not going home with you tonight Darky."

"He was supposed to come home! He was supposed to come back with me! We were going to be ok!" Dark yells at Jack who simply stays on the floor and catches his breath. "I am nothing without him, we were going to be ok, it was going to work out!"

"Gliches never die." Jack mumbled after standing up. Dark didn't hear him, but he did see him leave the room.

*But I can't be sober
I cannot sleep
You've got your peace now
But what about me?*

Dark sat at the demon bar and slowly drank his drink looking around.

"Hey, someone sitting here?" A female voice asked, he simply shrugged. "You look like you haven't slept."

Dark didn't respond so she walked away, then he got drunk. Mark came and tapped his shoulder.

"Come on Dark, time to go." Mark demands and out his arm over his shoulder.

"Oh you are no fun, whatsoever." Dark tells him. Mark takes him back to their house and lays him in his room. He leaves the room with a concerned look. Dark sits up with a frown and says to nothing in general.

"Just one last word, one last moment, to ask you why you left me here behind." He sighs as a tear falls down his face. He's been trying to get over this for 3 years, it hasn't worked. He's been miserable for quite some time now. Nothing has changed.

"You said you'd grow old with me."

"And I keep my promises."


Well that was it, I really good you enjoyed this one, I had a really fun time making it. It actually took me two days cause I fell asleep in between writing. But I really hope you liked it, have a great day!!

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