Girlz Crazy

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Ford and Dan were watching the gift shop's security footage. They sat behind the counter, Dan eating a bag of chips.

"Do you have this T-shirt in my size?" Ford said, voicing the tourist on the screen.

"I have something even better!" Dan said, voicing Mabel. The Mabel in the video bent over to get something out of a box. "Behold, my butt!"

The two of them laughed.

"I could play this game forever," Ford whispered.

"What was that?" Dan asked.

"COUGHING! I was coughing!" Ford lied. "Those weren't words!"

"Haha, this is fun," Stan said, leaning on the counter. "What you two have."

"Lee! How long have you been standing there?" Ford asked.

"Let's not talk about that," Stan said. "Instead, let's talk about why I'm doing this dance!"

He started dancing in the middle of the floor.

"Oh no, he got into the Smile Dip again!" Ford worried.

"Wrong one thousand!" Stan smiled. "It's because today is the greatest day of my life!"

He threw a calendar in Ford's face. Ford looked at the back of the calendar. There was a picture of five similar-looking girls.

"Mult'ple Timez is playing at the Gravity Falls Civic Center and Buffet!" Stan explained.

"Ugh, Mult'ple Timez?" Ford asked. "Aren't they that girl group that's supposed to be the girl version of Sev'ral Timez that disappeared three years ago?"

Stan posed with his arms crossed. He started dancing again.

"Lee, you know that girl group is fake, right?" Ford asked.

"Ford's right," Dan said. "They're just a manufactured product of the bloated corporate music industry."

"You're making my dance sad," Stan frowned. Ford snickered.

"They were probably made by a machine or something," he said.

"Or maybe the girls were grown in pods," Dan laughed. Ford joined in his laughter.

"Yeah, pods!" Ford agreed. "Totally!"

"You guys can't ruin this for me," Stan said. "Stan's got back-up!"

Bella and Fiddleford entered the gift shop, decked out in Mult'ple Timez merchandise.

"Howdy y'all!" Fiddleford greeted.

"Eeeeee!" Bella squealed.

"Bella, Fidds, not you too?" Ford asked.

"I've never been to a concert before!" Bella beamed. "Plus, Mult'ple Timez is pretty darn catchy."

"Heh, Bella actually got me into their music," Fiddleford smiled awkwardly.

"Who's ready for the greatest night of our lives?" Stan asked excitedly. "How many times am I gonna love ya?"

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