The One I Love to Hate

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A/N -
I read a Instagram post one time that gave me the idea for this chapter. Basically when someone meets their soulmate there heart will glow. So I had the idea to use that idea for this ship. I apologize in advance, Vlad will be the bully and Alex the victim in this story simply because it seems way to weird the other way around. Thanks!

Vlad's PoV -

     I admired Alex as I held him pinned to the wall outside the school. I loved everything about him he was simply too perfect and yet that's what I hated most about him. Alex made the best grades, had good friends, and seemed to have everything a teenager could want. I may have been jealousy but I had to cause him a little pain in his oh so easy life now and then.

     The only problem was I was addicted to seeing him this way. Everyday I targeted him and would bully him as often as I could. I kinda felt bad but the way he struggled against me, the way he tried to run from me when he seen me, the way he flinched at my slightest touch, I loved everything that he hated. In part this was a huge coverup to mask how I truly felt about him. No one could love the very guy they caused so much pain, at least that's what I wanted everyone to think. If word got out that I was gay, I would be the one being bullied and I simply couldn't have that. So everyday I kept up my act as the school bully and like clockwork hurt the very one I loved most.

     The ringing of the school bell brought me back to reality. "Saved by the bell," I stated arrogantly as I let the terrified Alex go.

     I couldn't help but smile as I watched him run away.

Alex's PoV -

     Why does Vlad have to pick on me? Why do I still love him? All these questions flooded my mind as I walked to my next class. I put a hand to my eye, it felt warm and I new soon I would have a black eye. "What happened?" Everyone would ask and I would simply reply, "I accidentally hurt myself," I kept up my act as a klutz simply to protect Vlad.

My body ached from the torture Vlad caused me everyday. I wanted nothing more than to kiss Vlad but all I got from him was cuts and bruises.

P.E. was my next class so I quickly got dressed in my uniform and hurried to class. After attendance the class was told to run laps. I enjoyed the time to think. Vlad was nearly always on my mind. I loved yet hated him. I was scared of him for obvious reasons but for some unknown reason I loved him and pitted him. There had to be a reason he was a bully. Soon enough the class was over and the coach told us to get changed.

In the boys locker room I unbuttoned my shirt and grabbed a new t-shirt from my locker when I felt a strong arm push me up against the lockers. "Ugg," I couldn't help but whine at the pain.

I looked up to see Vlad, my captor, he seemed to be enjoying my distress. He chuckled to himself. That's when I noticed something, Vlad wasn't wearing a shirt. A soft red glow emitted from Vlad's chest right over his heart. I blushed, I had heard stories of when people find their true love that their heart glows. I looked down at my own chest to see my own heart glowing a soft pink color. I looked back up a Vlad, he had loosened his grip on me. He noticed this too and he was also blushing. "Oh my gosh guys, are you two gay?" Everyone stared at us and whispered rumors.

I seen tears well up in Vlad's beautiful crimson eyes. He let me go and ran out the door and down the hall. I didn't run from him this time as I usually did but I followed him. He quickly ducked into the janitor's closet trying to hide. I followed him into the closet. The only light in the room came from both of our hearts. "Vlad," I said timidly not knowing how he would react, "are you okay?"

I sat down next to him. "Does it look like I'm okay?" Vlad continued, "I just found out I'm your soulmate and worse yet the other kids are making fun of me."

He didn't want to be my soulmate. I felt my heart break. I too started to cry, I couldn't stop. I got up and ran out of the closet, buttoning my shirt as I did. Tears flooded my eyes distorting my vision. All I wanted was Vlad's love.

Vlad's PoV -

"Alex..." I said sadly his name dying on my lips.

I didn't mean to sound rude. I was mad at the other boys in the locker room. It was always my fear that others would find out my darkest secret and worse that I loved Alex, the one I was supposed to hate. The truth was I very much wanted Alex as my soulmate but the way I said it. I cringed, I wasn't good with words. I needed Alex, I looked down at my heart. The light had slowly faded away after Alex left. I followed him down the hall. Tho school wasn't over he had left the campus, I guess this day was too much for him. I lost track of him so I slowed my pace and followed the sidewalk.

Finally, after hours of searching, I found Alex sitting next to a tree balling his eyes out. I stared at him. For the first time I truly seen the damage I had inflicted on him. His eye was a painful purplish color, he had bruises all over him from my punches, and he had cuts all over him from the knife I hid in my coat. Each time I inflicted pain on him, each time he shed a tear or whimpered, I could feel a bit of my heart break. At least I was around him, if I couldn't get his positive attention I would get his negative attention. I regretted all that. It was now obvious he cared for me so I would do the same for him. I swore I would never hurt him again mentally or physically and that I would protect him from whatever or whoever tried to harm him.

I walked over to Alex and sat next to him. I wrapped my arm around him, he flinched at my touch. He didn't deserve that he deserved better. Alex genteelly lay his head on my chest. He seemed wary of me, I couldn't blame him, I deserved it and much worse. "Vlad," Alex looked up at me, "I'm sorry for loving you, I've tried not to but I can't quit," he cried.

I felt that strange warmth Alex brought me creep into my chest. I hugged him and held him close to me. "Alex, don't ever stop loving me," It was my turn to cry now, "I've never stoped loving you," I continued, "I'm not good with words but I've always loved you from the moment I lay my eyes on you, I just wanted your attention and I became addicted to abusing you, I'm sorry."

I brought his tear streaked face to mine and gently kissed him. I half expected him to pull away from me or to not kiss back at all but Alex kissed me back just as passionately. We brought our lips apart for a moment to breathe. "I'll never hurt you again, Alex, I'm so sorry, I regret everything," I meant it.

"I forgive you, Vlad," Alex stated as he brought his lips to mine.

A/N -
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