Vampire Troubles

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Alex's PoV -

My job isn't necessarily pleasant or safe. Unfortunately, I'm a servant for a vampire. I clean and help host what few guests my master receives but mostly I'm dinner for the vampire. Scars and fang marks decorate my shoulders and neck. I hate my job, I'm a captive, I don't even get paid. I was taken from my village one night by this monster and I haven't seen my village or my family since.

     "Alex!" my master calls for me, I know it's "dinner" time.

     I don't reply, there is no need, my lord knows I have no choice but to follow his command.

I make my way to the study where the vampire spends most of the day. The castle is huge with many different rooms, halls, and secret doors. However, I know my way around since I've been trapped here for two years. "Yes, master?" I ask as I walk into the study.

The older man replies, "It's time for my supper."

I sigh and sit on the sofa in front of the vampire. My shirt is low cut, a job requirement, which allows the vampire easy access to my blood. I wince at the familiar pinch and wonder why I haven't gotten used to it yet. Then I feel the light-headed dizziness that consumes me every time. I pray that I won't pass out. The process takes a matter of minutes but it feels like forever. When the master finally lets me go I bolt to the other side of the room praying he won't attack me for more but I'm pleased to see he goes back to reading and I silently leave.

I lean on the walls and furniture for support. My head aches and I feel faint. I need to get to bed so I can sleep this off. I slowly make my way upstairs to my bed. I don't bother to change clothes or brush my hair. I crash on my bed and finally allow the lack of blood to consume me into a restful sleep.

I wake up early in the morning when the sun is many hours from rising. I stretch and I feel oddly refreshed. No longer tired I sit up and decide to get an early start on my day. I try to avoid the vampire and since the castle is large it's rather easy to do. I walk up another flight of velvety carpeted stairs and make my way to the highest balcony to get a breath of fresh air. This is my favorite place in the castle. Out here I feel almost free. Here I can watch the birds and the creatures below but it's dark now and the only thing flying is the occasional bat. I can't see any animals on the ground, it's too dark. I lean against the railing and enjoy the crisp, cool autumn air.

     Suddenly, a swish of a black cloak jolts me out of my peace. A figure stands beside me and I fear the worst, my master. However, he's much shorter than my master. I back against the railing trying to put as much distance between the newcomer and me as possible. He blocks my exit into the castle, the only place left to go is down eight stories. I contemplate if I should jump, the man slowly approaches me, arm outstretched like he's trying to calm a startled dog. I feel comfort in this gesture and decided I'll take my chances.

     Then the bar I'm leaning on breaks and I'm free-falling eight stories down. The man jumps after me and a pair of large bat wings spring out from under his cape. He dives and catches me before I hit the ground. We're both out of breath. I'm hyperventilating with fear as he gently places me on the ground.

     Everything feels weird. This is the first time I've been out of that castle in two years. "I'm Vlad," the black-cloaked man states.

     "I'm Alex, thanks for saving me... are you going to kill me now?" I'm afraid to hear his answer.

     "What, no, of course not," Vlad chuckles as he takes off his hood and I can see his face.

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