A Long Time Getting There

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A/N -
This is loosely based off Bram Stroker's book Dracula. One of my all time favorite books!

Alex's PoV:

     I worked for a real estate company in Bulgaria and as a delicate I was sent to the countryside of Romania to talk to a possible client. I rode the train when first arriving but later found it a necessity to hire a coach to take me up the rugged mountain terrain. The closer I got to my destination the more people seemed to treat me weirder. They would don me with cross necklaces or hand me cloves of garlic. I thanked them nonetheless and put all of these items in my cloak pocket.

     I thanked my coach and paid for my trip. This would be the last town I stayed the night in before the last leg of my journey tomorrow. I would arrive at my clients estate late tomorrow night. I walked to a nearby hotel and paid for a room with some of the money my job provided me for this trip. I got my keys and found my room. I was extremely tired so I went to bed right away.


Early the next morning I hailed a coach to take me the rest of my way. The day went by smoothly but when night feel my driver refused to take me any closer to my destination. I tried to bargain with him but it was no avail. I paid for the ride and was left stranded in the middle of the dirt path. I continued walking on. Soon another coach passed by. The driver was dressed all in black with a large hat that covers his face. The horses that pulled the coach were also a pristine shade of black. I thanked the man and hoped in. "To Popescu estate?" my drive questioned.

I simply nodded. With that we were off. We mostly sat in silence through out my journey.

     Only a few hours later I could see the estate come into view. The huge mansion was nestled in the majestic snow capped Carpathian Mountains. As I neared the castle oddly it seemed the howls of wolves and squeaks of bats become more profound. Soon enough the coach stoped and my driver got out and helped me down the tall steps of the coach. He bid me fair well and wished me luck, then with a nod in my direction he took off down the winding dirt paths.

     I took cautious steps towards the huge mahogany wood doors. The castle itself seemed to give off a ora of an ancient dark power. It was unnerving to say the least but I had a job to do. I nocked on the door. A few anxious minutes later the door creaked open, "Hello, please step inside its freezing out here," my client greeted me motioning me inside.

I mumbled a thanks and stepped inside. Once in the main room the door slammed shut seemingly on its own. My client, Mr. Vlad Popescu, looked quiet frightening. Maybe it was just his culture. He looked to be about my age. He wore a red cape and jacket with a white shirt underneath and black dress pants and shoes. He also wore a small red hat that tilted to one side of his light brown hair. He smile at me with noticeable sharp fangs. I gulped in fear.

"Hello, Mr. Vlad Popescu, I'm here on business I heard you were possibly interested in setting up a deal with my company, we've discussed this before in letters," I explained myself in my best business tone.

"Ah, yes, but first, you must be starving after your long journey, I've had dinner prepared for you, follow me, we can discuss business while you eat, " he motioned for me to follow.

I followed Vlad up a steep flight of stairs and down a long corridor lined with doors till he finally opened one of the doors and went inside. Following I noticed a large table filled with food. The dinning room seemed inviting, there was a large fire in the hearth,warming the room, picture of presumably Vlad's relatives lined the wall, and the candles gave off the perfect lighting. We both sat down at the table. "Please, help yourself, be my guest," Vlad stated.

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