I Will Fight For You

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A/N -
So sorry for the really long break, I can't promise I'll be posting more often or not but we'll see...
P.S. - A big thanks to KarenScorpio who encouraged me to write this next chapter!!!

Alex's PoV -

     Tears streaked my eyes and sobbing recked my throat even as I kept count, kept in rhythm.

1,2,3... I whispered the words in a hushed voice.

18,19,20... Somewhere along my counting I couldn't help but let out a sob.

28,29,30... I took a deep breath.

     I quickly placed my mouth over my boyfriend's, I tilted his head back and pinched his nose. I exhaled my breath and then I let his head drop and I placed my hands back on his chest. With every compression I whispered a number, always between 1 and 30. With every pathetically nervous breath I made a quiet sob followed, along with more tears. I had been doing CPR on Vlad for nearly an hour, still no heart beat, I had to face the facts. Vlad was dead.

     I stopped my compressions, I was exhausted. I practically collapsed to the ground, sobbing, next to my dead boyfriend's corpse. I drifted off into an unrestful sleep not long after that.

     I awoke the next morning, to find Vlad as I left him, with my jacket gently draped over him and his eyelids slightly closed. The sight of him like this chilled me to the bone. The realization that my boyfriend was dead hit me again and I started to cry all over again.

     After I had pulled myself together enough I gave Vlad one last kiss and picked him up, I needed to take him back to the village so he could have a proper burial. His face didn't look panicked or sad, he simply looked like he was sleeping, I missed him so much. I would do anything to have my Vlad back.

     I took Vlad to the funeral home and found him a nice mahogany casket. Vlad probably wouldn't have wanted a funeral so a priest came and said a few words over Vlad's body, just as the holy man had finished he took a stake and brought it down to Vlad's chest. I practically tackled the man, "No, don't do that!" I cried.

     The priest shook me off, "it is customary we do this to all corpses, we don't need evils haunting our village," the holy man supplied but I wanted to hold on to any hope that I could ever have Vlad back beside me, even if it meant he would be undead.

     "You can't, I won't let you stake Vlad!" I cried out again.

     The priest shook his head unapprovingly, "You yourself must be a Devil's worker, take him to the jail, he must be delt with," with these words a few of the priest's men grabbed me and began dragging me off to jail.

     "I'm not a Devil, I go to church every Sunday, let me go!" I complained but the men weren't letting me go till I was secure in a cell.

     Moment later and I was standing behind bars facing a grumpy looking judge. "Do you have anything to say to defend yourself?" The judge asked.

"Yeah, I'm not freaking guilty and I'm not a demon of any kind!" I shouted.

"Precisely what a demon would say, by the power invested in me, I find you guilty," the judge spoke, "your punishment for Devil's work will be death by fire, your execution will be held in the next few hours."

With that the judge left, leaving me sobbing in my cell. Not only was my boyfriend dead but I was the next on Death's list, at least I would be with Vlad again, wherever he was.

Hours ticked by slowly as I awaited the moment of my punishment. Finally, two guards let me out of my cell, making sure to handcuff me. Lastly, they placed a crucifix necklace on my neck. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this detail, how could these people believe I was a demon? I had simply been protecting my boyfriend from being mutilated after death. I wondered where Vlad's body was now?

The guards led me out of the jail and to the front of the courthouse where I was to be burnt. The guards roughly tied me to a rusty metal poll outside of the courthouse, wood was placed at my feet and set ablaze. Tears practically rolled down my face, this was not the way I wanted to die. The fire began to burn my legs and the pain made me scream out for help. That was when the small crowd that had gathered in from of the courthouse started screaming and running away. What were they running from? Then I felt two gentle arms unlock my restraints and pull me away from the fire. I started up into the beautiful crimson eyes of my boyfriend, "Vlad!" I cried out and hugged him, "am I dead?"

Vlad hurriedly carried me into a nearby abandoned building, "No, your not dead," Vlad kissed me.

"But how are you still alive?" I asked.

He simply smirked at me, showing off his fangs, "Does that answer your question?"

I held him close, everything I had done in hopes that I could possibly see Vlad again had worked. I didn't want to let him go again.

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