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A/N - This will be a high school AU...

Vlad's PoV -

     I walked along with the other kids that rode my bus towards my new school. It was my first day here at this school and I didn't know anyone so I just kept quiet as all the other students talked and joked amongst themselves. This new school was huge and looked to be fairly old too. It was much different than all the other smaller and more modern schools I had went to.

     I stepped through the large front doors and was greeted with the loud chattering of students and the barking voices of teachers trying, unsuccessfully, to silence them. I made my way to the office and introduced myself as a new student, the secretary handed me my schedule. I thanked her and walked out of the office reading over my schedule as I did so.

     The bell ran and the race was on. The students crowded into the hall rushing to their next classes. I joined in becoming one with the hoard. Finally, I made it to my first class, history. The class was on the third floor so I was in a rush to get to class on time. I didn't want to be tardied on my first day. The teacher assigned me a chair at the back of the class. I sat there organizing my book bag as the principal rambled on with the morning announcements. One of my classmates, a short girl with long blond hair, raised her hand, "Mr. K, I don't feel so well may I go to the nurses office."

     "Fine, I'll send someone with you," the kid stood up and grabbed the hall pass and the teacher looked straight at me, "Vlad, how about you go with her, she can show you around the school on the way."

     I nodded in agreement and walked out of the class with the sick student. "I got out of that one," the girl said, "I hate that class, I'm surprised my teacher hasn't caught on to my fake sickness yet, I go to the nurses office almost every day just to get out of that class."

"Really," I replied, "I thought everyone loved history, it's the easiest class."

"You must really have a nack for remembering all those date then," we were almost to the nurse's office and we waved goodbye, "I guess I'll see you around then, welcome to the school by the way."

After that I started my journey back to my class. There was nobody else in the hall beside myself and some boy about my hight with short black hair and green eyes. Somehow he felt familiar as if I knew him from somewhere before. I smiled at him and nodded as he passed by me. He looked confused, looking behind him as if thinking that I hadn't meant to acknowledge him. He smiled back and hurried along down the hall. That was weird.

Alex's PoV -

Could that student really have smiled at me. No one ever noticed me! I would follow him and see if he really could see me. I followed him to his class and waited in the hall behind some lockers so he wouldn't see me when he left his first hour class.

Vlad's PoV -

When the bell rang I checked my schedule and found my next class to be math, oh great I thought, my worst subject. I made my way to math which was on the first floor. I had a strange sensation that someone was following me. I glanced around the busy hall but there were too many people to focus on any one person in particular. I did notice the familiar boy I had seen in the hall only and hour before. He seemed lonely like me. He walked alone down the hall and no one seemed to even acknowledge his presence. I could relate, being a new kid really sucked.

I took my seat in the class and that other lonely boy sat in the seat behind me. "Please, pass up any completed homework," the teacher instructed.

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