If Only

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A/N - This is a sad story and contains suicide so if you are easily upset by that then I recommend not reading this story...

Alex's PoV -

I wasn't usually the kind of person who cried. I found it best to keep your emotions bottled up but now I allowed myself to break down. I had just lost the only person in life who cared about me, Vlad.

Vlad and I were something like boyfriends, we took care of each other and loved each other. One day he got a bad cough but claimed it was nothing but a cold. Then he came down with a bad case of chills and I really started to worry. He seemed to be getting weaker by the day so I took him to the doctor. After a few appointments with several different doctors they couldn't diagnose Vlad. They claimed he had some unheard of sickness. No matter what the doctors gave him he kept getting worse and worse. Finally, the worse came. I held him in my arms as he took his last breath. I still held onto him, hours later.

     Days later I watched as my best friend and boyfriend was laid to eternal rest. There wasn't many people there and I was the only one who was basically crying their eyes out. I had just lost the love of my life and I had no idea what I would do now without him. We had our whole future planed out together. We were going to live together and take care of each other. We would eventually get old and retire together. This wasn't part of our plan! How could this all be real?!

After what felt like years, but was really only a couple of hours, Vlad's funeral was over. The few people that came to mourn him had left, even the preacher had gone. It was only me and a pile of dirt next to Vlad's grave. I couldn't believe my boyfriend was buried six feet under. A small bell hung off of Vlad's tombstone. I watched the bell anxiously, that bell had to ring, Vlad had to be alive under all the dirt. I waited for awhile but the small bell didn't ring. I stood from where I had knelt in the dirt and gave Vlad one final mournful glance before slowly walking away. I would, of course, visit him often. Or I had planed to.

I walked inside Vlad and my house. It felt colder than usual with Vlad missing. It felt quieter too without Vlad's near continuous talking and laughter or, more recently, his horrible coughing. This house felt strange and sad. It was as if everything here missed Vlad too. I took a seat on the sofa, sinking in to its soft seat. I longed for Vlad's arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm on the coldest winter days. The candles' light were slowly dying and the room grew dim. I decided to spend the night on the sofa. I don't think I could handle sleeping alone in our bed.

The room had finally gone dark as the last of the candles burnt down. I decided it was time for bed and I quickly huddled into my blankets and laid down for the night. It was so cold.

     I woke up randomly early the next morning, well before the sun came up. I couldn't go back to sleep so I lit a few candles and went to get ready for the day. I brushed out my hair and settled on something to wear. I rummaged through the cabinets looking for my toothbrush when Vlad's pill bottles caught my eye. Vlad had taken lots of strong medication that the doctors had prescribed for his sickness but it hadn't worked. I glared at the bottles, they couldn't even do what they were meant to do. They hadn't saved Vlad's life. I took one off the shelf and an idea slipped into my mind.

     I quickly poured the pills into my hand. I glanced around making sure nobody was watching me. Of course, no one was. In one movement I had swallowed all the pills. There were other bottles and I did the same with all them.

I took a seat on the sofa once again. I felt a little dizzy and my heart started to beat fast. I knew I would die soon but I was ready for it. I was ready to be with Vlad again.

Vlad's PoV -

Everything was dark, so dark. It was also a little damp and musky wherever I was. My head hurt but I didn't have that annoying cough anymore. I also didn't feel so weak. I stretched, wondering where Alex was, but I couldn't move my arms very far without touching the walls. I kicked at whatever I was trapped in. It was wood and long but not very tall or wide. Then it hit me. I was trapped in a coffin!

I had been sick for quite awhile. I was getting worse by the day and I knew it. Alex took care of me day in and day out. He loved me and told me I had to get better. I felt a small twinge in my heart as I remembered Alex. I missed him! I had to get to him. I wonder how he took the news of my 'death'.

     I could just imagine how he would react to seeing me again. All I had to do was get out of this damned coffin. I squirmed around a little and found a little string. I pulled on it. This must ring a bell attached to my gravestone. It would only be a matter of time before someone found me.

     Hours went by, maybe even a day. The air in the coffin was starting to become scarce and I had to force myself not to panic and take up more oxygen. Then I heard footsteps and the scraping of shovels! I would finally be saved. I wonder if Alex was one of the men that would uncover me. It would be awkward but when he undid the nails in my coffin I could reach up and hug him. I smiled just thinking about him.

     Finally, daylight burned my eyes. I looked around but didn't see Alex. A gravedigger offered me a hand, he looked surprised to see me. I climbed out of my grave. I looked again for Alex, still not here. I coughed a little, trying out my voice after a while of not using it, "Do you know where Alexander is?" I asked a gravedigger, being sure to use Alex's full name.

     The man looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "He was found dead today of suicide, this is his funeral, I'm sorry."

     I broke down sobbing. Surrounding me were a few people I vaguely recognized as Alex's friends and distant family. They all crowded around a grave that lay next to my own. A pile of dirt was heaped next to a tombstone with Alex's name on it. I sobbed as I silently prayed for Alex's small bell to ring too. I knew that bell would never ring though and I knew I would never see my Alex again.

A/N -
Sorry for this sad story guys but at least I updated... It's a Christmas miracle. Actually, I was gonna write this for Halloween but I had no inspiration till now so hopefully you enjoyed. I may eventually write more in this book but this will be the last update for a long while. Anyway, thank you!

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