Stormy Seas

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A/N -

In this chapter Alex will be a merman. More fantasy AU!

Vlad's PoV -

     It was the same routine every day, go to the dock cast your pole, reel it in, cast, reel, cast, reel, it was a never ending cycle. I was a self employed fisherman. I lived close to the sea, within walking distance. Each day I would go to the same dock, catch some fish, salt them, and take my catch to the market to sale. I made good money but it was so tiresome. Just the beating sun and I everyday, watching the tide rise and fall.

I walked to the dock carrying my gear. Once there I baited my hook and cast it out. I slipped off my shoes and sat on the edge of the dock letting my legs dangle over edge. It was early morning now, the sun just was starting to rise over the ocean creating waters of pink and yellow. Everything was peaceful. I got a small tug on my line, as usual I waited for the fish to bite down. "Ah," I groaned, the rod nearly slipped out of my hands, luckily I managed to grab it in time!

I pulled on the poll reeling it at the same time. It let go, the hook and line snapped back up out of the water with such force that it nearly hooked my hat. What kind of fish was that, needles to say my bate, of a small mino fish, was gone.

That's when I felt a hand grab my leg. It was so strong, I screamed but no one was around to hear my pleads for help. I dropped my fishing poll and braced myself against the dock.

Finally, with a painful tug the creature reeled me in. I fell into the water with a splash. I gasped for air just when two strong arms pulled me under water, taking me deeper and deeper under.

I felt the creatures arms wrapped around my waist holding me still, I quite my struggle, it would cause me to lose my breath and energy quicker. I opened my eyes, the salt stung but my eyes were left wide open half in fight and half entranced by the site of the finned man before me. He smiled shyly back at me. The man, if I could call him that, had dark raven black hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, and a long beautiful green fish tail. His scales continued up to his chest fading to skin as they did so. He had five gill slits on either side of his waist, they opened and closed as water passed through. His smile was razor sharp and haunting and his hands were slightly webbed. He looked to be about my age but that was where the similarities stoped. My vision started to darken and I couldn't see but I felt his lips on mine, breathing oxygen into my lungs, I blacked out with a hint of a small smile on my lips.


     I found myself washed ashore, laying on a rocky beach. The waves lapped at my legs. I sat up slowly since I already had a major headache. Looking around at my surroundings I found the merman that I had been so mesmerized by washed up on some nearby rocks. He looked hurt and unable to escape back into the ocean. I rushed over to him. It was close to night fall and the ocean showed signs that a storm might be on the horizon, the waves were much to large to be swimming in and yet I wadded towards the merman nearly falling over in the process a few times to try and help him.

     The merman seemed only half conscious, he was cut and bruised and battered by the incoming storm's waves. He must have dragged me to land after I went unconscious and ended up beaching himself in the process. How long had I been out, anyway? His gills were exposed to air till a wave would crash by only giving him scarce and small breaths. I picked him up carrying him bridal style.

     I gently sat him into the sea allowing the water to slip over his gills. He mumbled something, if I let him swim off he would get hurt by the incoming storm and probably wouldn't survive the night. I grabbed him once again and ran towards my home. He would be safer there, that was if I could get him there soon enough without him dying. He already looked much to pale. Once there I ran through my door, I hurried to the bathroom setting him into the tub I quickly turned on the faucet, the cool water began filling the tub much to slowly. How long could he go without a source of oxygen? I turned on the sink's faucet and filled a cup with cool water, I poured the water over his gills.

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