Just Your Classic Ch. 32 (Finale)

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Authoress Notes: Wow to think this is the final chapter!! But don't worry there will be an Epilogue!! Also this song is so cute!

Chapter Song: With You (feat. Emelie Cyréus) by Magnificence & Venomenal 


"Mia will you marry me?" Sam asked as he brought out a small box and inside sat a ring.

The ring had a silver band and between two of my birthstones sat a diamond. It was such a beautiful ring but I didn't know what to say to Sam. So I just stared at the ring for a bit until I knew what I was going to say.

Sam's POV

I started to feel nervous. Mia has just been staring a the ring and hasn't said a word. Did I make a mistake in thinking she would say yes.

"Mia..please say something." I spoke up.

"...Sorry...I... we are just so young and just got out of high school." Mia said without looking at me.

"We wouldn't get married until you felt ready to," I closed the ring box.

"I..I need to think about this Sam."

I didn't think it would end up like this. I wasn't made at her or anything more at myself. I gave a big sigh and nodded my head.

"I'm going to stay over at Lane's... I'm sure I left a few clothes there that I can wear." I put my seat belt back on and turned the car on.

"I'm sorry..." Mia whispered and got out of the car.

I didn't reply or even looked at her. I put the cat into drive and left.

Mia's POV

I got out of the car and watched as Sam drove off. I felt so bad, Sam proposed to me and I couldn't even give an answer to him! I ran to the elevators because I needed to talk to Aunt Sophia. I needed advice!

It didn't take me long to get back to the apartment. I threw the door open and shut it with a thud. I kicked my shoes off and ran to the couch. I stared at Aunt Sophia as she paused Stranger Things.

"What's wrong? Where is Sam?" Aunt Sophia asked as he jumped up.

"He is staying over at Lane's allbecauseIdidn'tknowwhattosaytohim!" I rushed out.

"Whoa! Calm down, take a seat and tell me things from the beginning." Aunt Sophia got me to sit down.

My dogs began licking my face and trying to cuddle up on me. I took a deep breath. "Sam is over at Lane's because I didn't know what to say to him."

"Say what to him?"

"Sam... he proposed to me with a ring and everything." I whispered.

"...Wow...okay umm."

"He said we wouldn't get married until I was ready to."

"Well that's okay. I can work with this more. Hun..do you love Sam?" Aunt Sophia asked.

"With all my heart."

"You know your parents promised themselves to each other and when they graduated your father got a ring. Your mom...she was so happy. They didn't get married until after college. You can wait until you are older Mia." Aunt Sophia gave me a soft smile.

"He has been there for you always. I may not know all the ways he has. Just think of all those times and when you were there for him."

I thought back like Aunt Sophia said. Sam was there when the car crashed in winter. He was there for me when I was called a slut in school. Even though it was his fault I got kidnap he still got me out by sell his motorcycle. From those major events to all the little things I fell in love with Sam. I remember when he was so mean to me. Now he mellowed out so much, he's practically a teddy bear. I couldn't help but chuckle at that thought.

"I think you made your mind Mia." Aunt Sophia patted my shoulder.

"Yeah I think I have. I'll call him tomorrow morning. For now I just want to enjoy my time with you." I smiled.

It was the next day and I called Sam.

"Sam... you can come back home. I have my answer."

"..Alright I'll leave now." He said over the phone

He sounded unsure and he hung up without saying bye to me. I guess I should've told him yesterday that I had my answer rather than waiting until the next day. It took about 15 minutes for him to make it back. Aunt Sophia left to eat with a friend and to give us some privacy. 

Sam walked in and the dogs greeted him. I was sitting on the couch trying not to act so nervous but it was hard to do. Sam came over and sat down on the couch but not so close to me like he usually does.

"Where's your Aunt?" He asked.

"She is out and won't be back for a few hours." 



"Before you say anything. I'm fine with whatever outcome you have." Sam didn't look at me. It was so different and weird seeing him unsure of himself.

"...Sam look at me please." I took his hand and he looked into my eyes.

"We have been through so much together. Car crashes, the thing that happened with Toby and then the kidnapping. Then it was Justin and him cheating on me. Then the ski trip which we had a terrible time together until the very end but from there it was great again. Sam Blake I love you and always will." I held his hand tighter.

"So my answer is... yes. Yes I want to marry you!! Maybe not now but in a few years...I want to drink at my own wedding." I laughed.

Sam processed what I said then he pulled me to him. He crushed his lips onto mine. We shared a passionate kiss for a good minute or so.

"Mia, I love you." Sam whispered against my lips.

"Can I have the ring now?" I asked.

Sam laughed and pulled the box out. He took the ring out and then slipped it onto my ring finger. 

"It looks great on you." Sam gave me a soft smile.

"Yeah...it really does." I say looking at the ring. "I kind of can't wait to be Mia Blake." I smiled giddily.

"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Blake." Sam whispered by my ear. "I think we should celebrate." He then kissed my neck that sent shivers down my back.

"Bu-but shouldn't we tell everyone." I bit my lip to try and not to give into Sam.

His hands moved towards the edge of my shirt. "They can wait."

"My Aunt will be back soon!"

"You told me she wouldn't be back for a few hours. That's plenty of time."

I couldn't say no to him. Sam got up and picked me up bridle style and headed to the bedroom. And with a kick to the door it closed shut.

Just Your Classic Love Story (Sequel to Shy Girl Meets Bad Boy)Where stories live. Discover now