~Because the worst storm that could happen,is being alone when you think that you have everyone in place~
Suddenly, i feel a pair of arm, slither in and wrap itself around my shoulder. I was about to scream,when a soft...
I straightened out my crumpled blue night dress i'm wearing. I can't believe this, me agreeing to invite other badge into my house. MY HOUSE!
Calm down Y/n, don't ruin the makeup now. Fixing my hair for the last time, i slip into my water blue heels and walk out from the room. Actually, wearing heels isn't really my favour,i would rather wear flat. But well, it's an importent event. As i was walking down the hallway, to the stairs, i stop on my track when i saw the red moon.
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Jade Moon...
I walk to the window at the hallway to get a better view. A sudden thought came to my mind. I craned my neck to my left and right, no one. Am i really doing this? I seem stupid. I glance to the moon again. Arghh, what can i lose anyway? Bringing my hand together infront of me, i started to do something i never thought i would do. I wish.
"Deep the night vision, Dear moon on the sky, Bliss star hear me please, The Jade Moon that rise by,
I hope my voice rise well, My pride, I leash Among the stars and moon, Please listen to my wish..."
I gulped down my guts, pleased that i still remember the proper chant mom taught years ago.
"I wish..."
"I wish to...have someone who understand me , better than anyone. Please, gliss star that shines best, grand my pure request..."
.... Asjkllssusnwgsvhdhjg
What have i done?! Why did i wish that?! Ahh, stupid Y/n!! Stupid!! Sighing, i look up, the Jade Moon is covered with the thick black clouds. Maybe there's nothing happening at all. Shrugging off, i continue my walk, into the party downstairs.
I frowned as i try to survive in the hectic crowds. I know that inviting another two badge will make things hard here. I wish to meet my parents right away and said in the most calmest tone i could make, 'see? i told you they're too many. In your face!'
I sigh as i made my way to the wide opened door to my backyard. The place i go when i was having a bad day, simply because it's spacious. Huh, you could say 'adios' to that, right now, there's too many people here, that i can't even see the grass. Wait, my rose! I was about to go search for it, when i saw it a few metres away, a pair of hands reach out to touch it.
I bolt to the flower and fake a cough, "Hands of MY things please". The girl immediately pull her hands away and walk to the other direction. I can still tolerate many people, but no one touch my rose! I spent so much time planting it with mum and dad. It han unofficially becomes our family's rose.
I sigh, this is gonna be a long night. I was about to went inside when i saw, a guy, completely covered from head over toe in black, plus he have hoodie over his face. He look like a big black mushroom though.
Oh, he dropped his book. But he didn't seem to realize it. Tcch, what a pain, i pick it up and chase after him, to another side of the garden who is more isolated.
"Sir, hey sir! Excuse me!"
I was calling him out, when suddenly he just gone from my sight. Where's that mushroom guy? I look at the black worn out book in my hand. What is this book anyway? He's not here, little peek wouldn't hurt,right?
I slowly open the front page, i was about to read the bad scribbled handwriting, when the book was snatched away. He now stands infront of me.
"Don't you, white badge being taught about self privacy?"