~Because the worst storm that could happen,is being alone when you think that you have everyone in place~
Suddenly, i feel a pair of arm, slither in and wrap itself around my shoulder. I was about to scream,when a soft...
Quick! I push the boy behind my paper fitting wall where i usually change my cloth at.
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He was trashing around so much. "If you don't want your head being cut off or you being prisoned for the rest of your life, i suggest you to keep quite and stop moving." I said in a cold tone before pushing him completely in.
I turn just in time for Elena to enter the room, pushing along a tray filled with breakfast. " Morning Elena" "Morning, who are you talking to my lady?" "Ermm, myself?"
She keep staring to me in disbelief. Come on Y/n, made up something! "Umm, you know, i...kinda...miss my parents. Besides it had been a hectic week." "Lady Y/n, i'm sure there's nothing to worry about, they'll come back healthy and pretty.I'm sure"
"I don't know..." Elena put her hands under my chin, smiling so bright. She had been like a second mother to me, she had take care of me since i was born into this family. She means a lot. "Don't put your heads too deep in that my lady, now eat up and go ready, i prepared your bath when you're asleep." "what i would do without you.." "Be un-lady?"
We both end up laughing. I couldn't thanks her enough, thanks to her i wasn't worrying about my parents anymore. She then leaved the food tray at my usual table in my room and leave. I glanced to the window at observe the mountain that stood afar from the mansion. Look, i was thinking too much again.
"Wow,this is great!" "huh? hey! That's mine!"
I rushed over, but it's too late. He had ate my toast along with half of my scrambled egg. He was drinking the tea and realize i had came over, so he hand me the cup.
"want some?" "share the same cup with you? Heck,no!"
He shrug and keep spooning the porridge. "Are you that hungry?"
He nod with his innocence face. He was about to spoon in the third scoop of porridge when he froze and look at me.
"Look,do you mind? Stop watching" "Huh?! Okay,listen here mister...whatever your name is. You are in MY house, in MY room and eating MY breakfast. Now are you telling me to stop looking at you?! Ah,where even your manner?"
He shrug. Arghh,this boy, seriously? "Where are you from anyway...with that cloth?"
He pointed to the wall behind him, to the, now empty picture frame.All there is left in there is white.
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"Do you...do you came from there? The picture?"
He stare at me blankly, "For a lady,how can you be so dumb. You can think,pssh."
Did he just seriously step out from the freaking photo frame?! And that attitude 😤
"Yah,what's your name?" I blankly ask. He suddenly stop eating and stare into the distance.
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"Name?" "Yeah,name. You have one don't you?"
He suddenly stand up making the chair he was sitting on before fall down. What's wrong with this boy?!
"I don't remember my name."
"O...kay, like that is not the most weirdest thing ever? I can help you. Umm, just focus on finding what your name is" I pull a chair over and sit down on the othet side of the table.
"Jung..." "Huh?" "That's what i remember, my name have Jung in it.
Okay, first step,not bad. He keep on shutting his eyes,repeating his name over and over.
"Jung...Jung...kook. That's it, my name! Jungkook"
"See? Not so bad." "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" "In what world are you living? White badge don't just go and introduce themselves. What badge are you even?"