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I was walking furiously while mumbling to myself
'That jerk,he should be thankful i even come 😡 Well,Mr goody two shoes,i'm still shaken from last night and did you know how long it takes me to collect my courage to even stepped out from my room? It's magical that i can still manage to make a bouquet for you with my- MY - favourite lilac flower that i planted myself at my balcony. Yes,i made it myself! You should be thankful,not kicked me out. Aish,that damn boy 😤 I-'

"Oh my,sorry...i didn't saw you there my lady"

I looked up and realised i had bumped into someone while i was letting out my anger.

"My bad,i wasn't looking,Lead Security Cliff."

He shake his head and take my hand,kissing the back of it lightly
"No no,how can't i realise i was bumping into a beautiful...white badge"

Okay,he seems creepy, creepier than Suga or that nut-head Jungkook. He eyes me with this weird gaze and his lips formed into a weird snarl.


"Tell me,my lady. I was just wondering anyway, but if you're your dad,where would he keep something so important? It's umm,how can i level important?"

"I..should be going"

"Now what's the rush my lady?"

"Ahh,there you are my lady. I was looking everywhere, do you forgot about our promise this afternoon?"


"Oh my,you really did forget. Now General Cliff,i would like to take her with me,if that's alright"
Tae flashes his smile.

"Actually,i guess she..."

"Great,thank you"
By that,Tae had ushered me away to another part of the mansion.

"Really? We did promise something?"

"Ah yes, lady,you forget?"

"Tell me what it is then"

"Umm,yes,about that...uh,you don't remember?We promises to,,have lunch together! Yes,that's exactly what we promised."

I tried so hard to remember,but i failed. Huh,i guess my memory is getting rotten. "Okay then,let's go?"

He interwined my hand into his arm,kind of the style when you're walking formally into a Ballroom. I just laugh at his sudden act and we went down to the dining area.


Having lunch with Tae is fun,i could forget about a certain egois bo and an encounter with a freaky man. He was so fun to talk to, he cracked up jokes so easily and talking to him feel somewhat natural. He kind of have the welcoming aura,the one you feel with a deep friend.

"Tae,do you think i'm doing a good job by being someone who rules EverHill?"
I suddenly ask and i'm sure Tae was shocked by the sudden attack.

"I feel like i will never be good in it, i'm the only daughter of the White badge but i feel so...lost. Everything seem so complicated."

I suddenly feel Tae taking my hand in his and squeezing it lightly,giving me some of his courage.
"You are doing it fine,Y/n. If no one trust you, and even you didn't trust yourself,then i will. I'll forever trust you."

"Thanks Tae,that's so sweet."

"Anytime for you,Star."

We continue to eat and I suddenly remember something.
"What's up just now? With General Cliff ?"

Tae suddenly choked on his soup, so i quickly hand him a glass of water."He...umm,just keep a distance from him,okay,?"

This time,i squeeze Tae's large hand lightly,"Don't worry,i trust him"

But Tae didn't seem to buy it," I'm just saying,Star. Not everyone you can trust."

That left me to wonder...

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