~Because the worst storm that could happen,is being alone when you think that you have everyone in place~
Suddenly, i feel a pair of arm, slither in and wrap itself around my shoulder. I was about to scream,when a soft...
I stepped out from the bathroom, all dressed up and freshed. Ahh, now this is life...😊 As soon as i stepped out, a sharp smell flood my nose. Lunch! Ah, i haven't ate breakfast, this is surely pure heaven! When i was glancing around there's something that caught my attention. That boy isn't around. But still,the picture frame is white, how can...?
"Lady y/n" "Elena" So no wonders, Elena is here. "Your lunch is here my lady." "Thank you" "And don't forget this evening. You really need to be there" I let out a sigh, so much for having the evening for myself...😒 But i am the daughter of the white badge. I need to do this. At least show to my parents i could handle things afterall.
Elena then bow down and left, making the room became once again, quiet. "So, your name is Y/n" Gyaa! 😡 This boy,doesn't he know how to NOT talk out of nowhere? Sighing,i turn around. "Yah! Don't just said out of---"
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😦 He look...amazing. Is that even my father's cloth he's wearing? Why does dad wear that but doesn't take my breath away?? "hello, anyone home?"
"*cough* let's eat."
"why there's two for everything?"
"As far as i know,you wanna eat, and so do i. So i ask the maid... I mean...them, to prepare double."
I saw him was dumbfounded as ever.
"just eat..." I spoon in some of my lunch, and the chefs' cooking never fail to amaze me. It's just simply delicious.
"so,i need to call you lady y/n?"
i just look at him and make a 'duh?' face. "if not,what do you want to call me?"
This time,i smacked my hand on the table, good thing it doesn't break. Or i have to answer to dad.
"can you at least let me live for awhile? cut out that sarcasm and just--Arghh,i dunno, be static?"
"let me think--Umm,how about---no?"
😡😡😡 This boy,i swear my patient is getting thin. But remembering that i have other event, i choose to ignore him.
"what is there in the evening?" "something that doesn't concern you of course" Sometime, it's ME who need to win this game...
I fix my hair, giving it a last touch by combing it with my hand. I took a last glance to the white vintage dress i had put on earlier. Shoes check,hair check, smile---check 😊
"how do i look?" i glance and show myself to Jungkook who's sitting on my bed.
"presentable" "Ah,why do i even ask?" 😒 "who are you meeting anyway? dressing like this?" "excuse me--sir, i...am the daughter of the white badge in EverHill. So it is my duty, to look, as what you say 'presentable' " I put my fingers in the air and do an imaginary quote during the word 'presentable'.
"are you gonna gone long?" "no worries, i'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much baby" I tease and i swear, i saw pink shades on his cheek, but as fast as it come,it goes...
Oh well,i got a meet up to go
"lady y/n, this is the ambassador of white badge from Syrus." lead security,Cliff introduced me. i'm glad he's the one who did the job instead of Lead General Suga. i can't imagine 😒
I bow down slightly,like what i had been taught to do. Showing my lady-like manner always had caught me offguard, but i have to play along. It's what i am afterall. Mom,look at me! I am a lady mannered! --sort of...
"I am Kim Taehyung,ambassador of Syrus. Nice meeting you lady y/n"
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"it is an honour Mr. Kim"
I hold out my hand, and he accepted gracefully,planted a light kiss on the back of it. He is well-mannerer,that's it.
"please, Taehyung is fine"
"Right, we will continue this chat at the table,this way my lady, mr kim"
It was surely tiring,but this is for the sake of EverHill. I need to make him cozy enough to make a deal with EverHill, to be a better trading partner. Stuff like that. Lucky YOU doesn't have to deal with this. I wish, in my whole entire life, to just stay in my room, even with that jerk. That's better than this somehow 😖
"so y/n... i was amused by how you put things in order here" "oh please, the credits should be to my parents. I only finish what they had started thus ending us in what you can see now."
"wise choice of word. Another reason to why we should deepen the bond between Syrus and EverHill."
Yes,yes do so! So i can get back to my room. "y/n, would you mind to lead me around your mansion? we could have a nice chat"
Huh,please say that he didn't just add the time i need to be here... Screw it, he just did...God! 😭