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I walked to my room,feeling puzzled. Why does he look so scared when i ask him about meadow just now? Well,i kind of feel strange, Syrus is a land of city, no matter how you look at it, you'll still see concrete everywhere. So i was wondering how a patch of grass, what less a meadow could exist...

He looked like a kid who was caught stealing candies and not admitting it afterward. Or did he?Well not candies but...nevermind that. Urgh,i feel so tired,just now i was laughing so loud, my whole body vibrates along. Now,all i feel is sorrow and fatigue.

Somehow,the door of my room feel slightly heavy, my hands are probably jelly right now.

"You're back early,i thought you're gonna stay there longer." a deep voice frightened me.

There, in the dark, i saw a figure, eying me with such tensed glare. It almost looked like he's a ghost there 😓
I would expect a proper...greetings?


"Why don't you just sleep there with him?Might as well,get your kisses."

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? Let me tell you exactly what's wrong..." He pushed me against the wall,and grabbed my arms,trapping me inside.

I was seriously taken back by his sudden act. Why is he acting like this? It scares me.

"Don't you know? A girl like you..."
He brings his face closer to mine,his gaze hardened.
"...can be manipulated so easily? A man like me...can pinned you down without even need to try. You,being a pure white badge, didn't mean that people can't take chances against you. Take this for an example..."

This time,he's so closed that his cold breath tickles my face and his eyes had been wandering into mine with such anger in it. He banged my arms to the wall,and i whimper as a reflect.

"'re so hopeless against me. I, could be any man out there, including that damn Kim freaking Taehyung. They could be doing this,and taking advantage so easily. I could be doing all sort of things to you right now, and so does that stupid ass Taehyung."


"You fighting is useless here."
He came closer and blow lightly to my ear,which make me shiver all over myself.

"You're just a minor, and i'm the one who dominates now. You,my lady-"

He lean his forehead against mine and i can only shut my eyes close, really...i am useless right now,fighting him is impossible.

"-can't do anything about it"


"Do you ever imagined all those filthy hands that could've touched you? And thinking how you can't fight back,why are you still taking the risk? Does that idea ever crossed your mind."

"-Please..." This time,i was whimpering,i hate how weak i look like, but i was too frightened now,my legs are shaking and basically,my whole body is trembling.

I suddenly feel the strong force on me just now, vanished immediately, as if they had faded away. I slowly open my eyes, still feeling scared to see him. Jungkook's gaze had soften,and his eyes had somehow became normal. He keep staring to my face,his brown orbs wandering around his eyes.

He let out a sigh and steps outside,closing the door along. I cupped my hands against my mouth,try to swallow a sob. That,was seriously so scary,why did he do that? Why did that damn Jungkook did that?! Pinning me against the wall, his usual self also changed just like that.

I slowly, my bed,my legs are still too shaken.
I plopped down on the bed, but feel a hard surface clash against my body. What even...

Owh,it's the book that i borrow from Jin. I guess i'll be returning this tomorrow,i don't have the mood to read it right now. I was about to put it aside,when i read the title.

GlassBush Black Magic
~Book of dark magic & sorcery~

Oh,i must've taken this without even realize what type of book it is. Can i really read this? I blankly stare at it and lift open the cover. The first spell that i saw,is

¤Hanger Dagger¤
~Put the victim to stranggled and left without any trace~

I could have uses this on Jungkook,but i'm still on my right mind. I hope...

¤Memory Erase¤
~Make the victim forgot certain act or incident that happened~
•For eternity effect,please look at 'Eternity Memory Erase'•

I gulped,this maybe what Jin had used before on me and my mother,considering that the page have folded marks and scribbled words on it. How can Jin have dark magic book with him. Wait,he teaches magic,of course he need to have it.

I flipped through the next page and my eyes widened as i read the type of black magic. This could work! I smile as i walk to my drawer,pulling out a pouch of Black Sand from it, and i sit on the floor,following exactly the book's instructions.

The Living Photograph {J.J.K}Where stories live. Discover now