~Because the worst storm that could happen,is being alone when you think that you have everyone in place~
Suddenly, i feel a pair of arm, slither in and wrap itself around my shoulder. I was about to scream,when a soft...
I bow down slightly as a sign of respect to them.The wind blow through my hair,making a few strands of them caught in my face. Right now,i couldn't care less, there are more important thing than my hair.
"Six days..." I said,eying both of them "Six days" they replied.
I stand back,reposition myself on the dock. Why does six days last so long? I glance to the enourmous legendary ship behind them that they always use to visit another country. I grew fond toward it, but thinking that i won't be with them for six whole days,that scares me.
Suddenly, a warm hand rest itself on my shoulder, i turn to see my father, giving me an encouraging smile, but yet i could sense the sad hint in it. Soon, my mom join us.
"Honey,look at me" my mom put her hands onto my cheeks, i'm gonna miss this touch. "You're gonna be fine. I put Elena in charge to take care of you okay?" "And i put Cliff and Lead General Suga on security duty. You need to worry about nothing" my dad continue.
"I'm not worrying about that,nor suprisingly that i'm woreied about Lead General Suga taking control, i'm worry about you. What if something happened and..."
A finger lay on my lips, shut me out completely. "You're gonna be fine, and so do we..."
I open my eyes and sit up slowly on my bed, my blanket drap off from me. Those dreams...it had been happening although they had went yesterday. I glance to the clock on the small table beside my bed, huh still early for anything i guess...
I glace forward and my eyes lay on the golden photo frame hanging on the wall. I asked the mansion's decoration chief to put it on my wall, and i gotta say they did a pretty good job.
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The picture in it is still blurry, but it look like a person wearing a...suit maybe? or is it a tuxido then? I shrug it off, fixing my wild hair after.
I hop off from the bed and went to the window, opening it wide and was greeted by the warm ray of sunlights. "Ahh,morning scent never smell so good." "Yeah,they are..."
Wait, i turn around in my room. Who...said that? Nah, maybe it's just me overthinking. "Umm, smells good, Elena must have brought me something." "Who's Elena?" "Ahh!" I immediately turn back and meet face to face with a boy.
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He was standing beside me this whole time?! I immediately back away and raise up my clock,aiming him.
"Whoah,calm down!" he put his hand forward as a sign to calm me.
"Calm down?! How did you get into my room?! Why are you here?! What do you want?! Answer me!"
"I was also confused here,don't push me!"
He came forward a step and i rise my clock higher. "Don't come near me!"
Who is this guy? Suddenly show up in my room out of nowhere. "Lady Y/n.."
Reflectly,both of us glance to the door. Uh-oh...Elena