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The rain was dropping lightly outside as i sigh,resting my forehead against the ice cold window. The sound of the rain taps against the window produced melodious rhyme and i hummed along, trying to erase the boredom and...the loneliness.

I sigh again. It had been three days, full of despair and hope that seem to shatter more and more. My mind was flashing the memories by itself again. I remember last night,Suga visited me in my room, it was his first though since the news got to to me. He had been talking and talking, on and on about what happened. I don't even remember giving him any respond other than three single nod, and that's it.

I feel bad though,he was trying his best to cheer me up,well everyone is. I think the main point of his never ending talk is ,that betrayer who-did-not-even-deserved-his-name-coming-out-from-anyone's-lips, had arrived in the Grotcher Dungeon, a place where people like him ended to be becausr he damn took my family's life away. He was sentenced to death by the end of this week. I feel like coming to the court right away and demand that the sentence to be done earlier. But my soul just mentally left my body these past few days, i couldn't even stepped out from my room.

A knock came to the door,but i didn't even flinch. I knew that it will be whether Jin,asking if i'm okay, which i always answer with a nod and he will stay with me for the next few hours, staying quiet, or it can be Elena, who's making sure i eat at least two spoons of soup or a bite of bread and a gulp of water daily.

I know that it's hard for her,but it's harder for me. I can't be eating happily when my happiness is...gone. The knock came again, this time it's two knocks. I sit still at the window,looking out at the night. The rain had stopped,i realise. Then,footsteps echoed in the room. I sigh,now who could this be? It wasn't Jin and Elena obviously, wasn't Suga either I'm sure. So who?

"Does me missing for four days change you over me?"

My eyes widened by not only by his voice or his warmness, but also,by his touch as he gave me a backhug, resting his chin over my shoulder. I slowly pull his arms away and stare at him as he joins me to sit on the small space upon the window. I breathed in disbelief. Holding out my hands, i lay it upon his charming looking face, touching it in such relief and scared.

"Are...are you...real?" I managed to whisper through as my heart is beating louder.

He let out a short laugh and pull my hands away from his face,onto his chest,where his heart is.
"Yes...yes i am jagi"

I couldn't stop myself from crashing onto him, giving the biggest hug i think i could ever give to someone. My tears slipped down, and i inhale the scent that i had been longing to smell, that scent that always managed to calm me down.

He gently pull me away, and stare into my eyes,getting closer within seconds. He was so close,i could see the small blue bruises at the tip of his eyes, and visible stitches that are healing. I brush my fingers lightly against it, exhaling the air i never knew i had hold onto.

"You're still hurt..."

He glance at my fingers, before looking at me again and crash his lips against mine. He lingers onto it longer, and i myself didn't resist it. He put his hand behind my neck, to deepen the kiss and both of us only pull away when our lungs are screaming for air. We were gasping,trying to catch out breath as we keep staring into each other's eyes.

"I thought...i thought you were...but they said, they said you were gone..."

I was sobbing and Jungkook quickly wipe it away with his thumbs.
"You really don't understand it when i say your tears doesn't look good on you~ Jagi, i need you to smile"

He lean his forehead onto mine as he whispers. I was really enjoying his long lost presence and from the way he act, i'm sure he was enjoying my presence too. Jungkook cupped me on the face and planted butterfly kisses all over it. I blushed at his sudden affection,aishh, this boy.

"How...?" I trailed off,i can't find the courage to ask him.

"Oh,Jin said that i was too critical to be treated here, so they sent me to the EVERHILL SECURITY BASE, HOSPITAL SECTION, or maybe you knew it as Deep Base?"

I nod ,rememberinh dad once mentioned about it and Suga can't just stop talking about it to me when i was little.
"They treated me and after four days,i was allowed to go. I was in the mansion about three hours ago."

I nod and peck him on the lips,making him do the same to me. We were giggling ang laughing most of the time,like old days, although the old days isn't that sweet but...oh well.

I was holding onto his hands,drawing small circle in a loop on his backhand. He suddenly pull them away,making me look at him in confused.

"What's wrong?"

"You know this last few months,i had been good to you, sometimes i was being harsh, sometimes i was being too clingy and sometimes it feels like we're strangers who never met. But with all of these,it keeps one eternal feeling."

Then,he pull out a box from his pocket and knee on the floor.
"Lady Y/n, with all the love i have, would you marry me?"

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