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I was suffocated by the view upon me. My sister, i just saw my sister's death right infront of me, and she died saving me.

"You're done Calissa?" J blankly said.

"I did"

A deep hoarse voice echoes and the moment i register what's happening, an arrow is already pierced through Calissa's heart.


There're two scene that's going on right now. J is moarning on his wife's death along with his son or daughter,i could care less.

And on the other corner, the little me was shaking back life into my sister. Suga suddenly came along throwing the bow in his hand onto the floor before shaking copying what the little me was doing.
"Sister,sister wake up! Don't go,open your eyes! I'm scared..."

The tiny voice of the little me was filling the mansion and Suga's face,who was already white,became whiter.

"What happened here? Yuena?!Oh shit, what happened?! suga,ANSWER ME!" my father came and he was also kneeling beside my sister,his eyes already watery.

Suga on the other side was a mess."I'm sorry,i'm so sorry"

I advert my gaze to the other side of the room. I saw J still crying and his child,ripped open his armour and put it down onto his mom,as a sign of respect to his mother's death. Yes,it's a boy, a man actually,because he looks like he's about 20 years old or something.
I was able to see his upper arm bleeding from a straight cut,but his face is still a mystery

Soon,my view started to faded,along with the crying sound that was flooding the mansion.
One of the crying sound,

Comes from me.


I flutter my eyes open,somehow, my body feel weak out of a sudden. It could be from the tears, but it could be from the shocking news i just had.
I saw Jin,looking at me with a sad frown on his face.

He hands me a cup of tea and ushered me to drink,which i did half-heartedly. It was too much to comprehend for now.

"What...happened after that?"
My voice is so weak,it reminded me when i had locked myself in my room for two weeks,after my parents funeral.

Jin looked down,before continue,"After that,everyone had been in a mess, especially your parents...and Suga.

" know who he is-" Jin doesn't want to said his name,and i'm glad he didn't, or i need to strangle someone. "- retreated and went to who knows where after that. Since then,myths said that he wanted a revenge,on his wife and his lost pride. Your father then divided the community into castes,you know, what we have now. Those badges. His badge..."

"...was the black" I continue.

This was all so hard to be processed. I suddenly feel a warm hand,grasping mine,giving me strength. I look up to Jin,giving him a low sigh.

"So i guess,you're the one who erased my memory? About my sister and some history?"

"I have to,believe me, it was so hard looking at you staring at your dolls all day,talking alone. You're not the only one though,your mother was, too. The only one who remember, was your father,Elena,and Suga."

"So you're saying...that all this time,Suga had been hard on me, is because..."

"...he doesn't want you to end up like your sister. Y/n,he keep blaming himself for it. He keep saying that he could have stopped her,he could have sacrificed himself instead. He loved you just as much as your parents did."

"B..but he had been so h..harsh,i..if he's nicer, i'll..i'll be a lot more co..comfortable with him. I would've liked him more"

I was sobbing at that time but i decline Jin from giving me a hug,i would cry if he did.

"I..should be going. Jungkook would be looking for me if i didn't get back."

Jin nodded,but i was actually hesitating.
"Jin,can i, borrow some of your magic books?I still need to improve myself on that."

"Are you...sure?"

I nod and just randomly take a book on his desk and walk out,but before i do, i give Jin a short hug and left,without seeing his reaction.

It was dark already,oh, i missed lunch...again. I sigh and slowly walk toward my room.

"Oh,lady Y/n,where have you been?"

That voice,i looked up to see someone i thought i wouldn't ever see again.

"Seriously, a lady must not wander around,where are you at even? After your practise,i hadn't even see you."

I couldn't hold myself,so i run to him, and give a tight hug, bursting out tears along.

The Living Photograph {J.J.K}Where stories live. Discover now