Chapter Four

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No sound was escaping my lips, i wanted to scream. I wanted to do something but i was stuck. Seeing this face in front of me was like a nightmare. The man now realising i'm standing still now grabbed my arm and tried making me walk. I shook his hand off of mine and parted my lips to try and tell him what was going on. Why? How was i the only one who saw him? I thought..

Silhouettes of people came slowly emerging from the shadows making us move closer together. I breathed a sigh of relief when he disappeared, he was not actually here. I felt somebody grab my hand but did not have time to process it before the leader of this little group emerged from the shadows. He came out slowly, keeping us on the edge. Our hearts thundering, threatening to bust out of our chests.

"What are you guys doing?" The male leader question giving us all a stern look. He looked at each one of us like he was gazing into our soles. Like he knew our deepest darkest secrets. I gulped a little. Somethings are a secret for a reason. My eyes flickered to the one whom we were following, he got us into this mess and he could sort this out. He brought us down the damn alleyway and got us into the situation. Granted he got us out of The Faculty's grip but now we're in the hands of another group.

"We are responsible for the blackout." Is all he said before the leader of the other group made a signal and people moved in to grab us. The man who helped us escape, he gave us all looks as to not use our powers and i nodded, it was not the time and quite frankly, i'd rather be with these people than The Faculty.

His guys grab us by our wrists roughly not caring if they hurt us. Clearly, they had dealt with this issue before, maybe not the power outage but people escaping the faculty and finding them. I smiled a little as they shoved bags over our heads clearly prepared for us. They might have somebody who has a gift to see these things. We were pushed into something, most likely a car or van judging from the fire up on engines.. I smugly smile knowing i could stop this car if i wanted too however, i remembered the look he had gave us telling us not too and these people did not put a collar on us to suppress us from our gifts. So maybe they are exactly like me. Maybe i am finally safe.

I found myself humming along to the car driving. The person driving the car had actually laughed when he heard me humming, i stopped as soon as i heard the laugh. I had not want to become a circus animal, a freak in a cage again and yet, here i was. Being laughed at. Again.

I was pulled out of the car, i wasn't prepared and stumbled a bit to stay on my feet. I smiled when i managed it however, i could feel eyes on me. So i made my body language come off as intimidating. I huffed a little and walked confidently as the person pulled me along. I could easily get out of this predicament but i'm giving them a change. Even if everything was telling me i was being stupid. That man, i needed his help back there and he needed mine. We trusted each other, all of us who escaped The Faculty and maybe these people needed more people with abilities to fight back and maybe, we all could help. Especially the man he was once a member of The Faculty, so he knows how they work.

We were forced to kneel to the ground, with a rough kick. I fell forward with pain shooting up my back. I wanted to get up and teach this dude a lesson. Maybe by grabbing him and letting my power do the rest. I breathed to calm myself down and made sure i knelt on my knees. Nobody helped me and nobody told the dude off, i was going to when i was loose. One by one we got the bags took off of our heads. For a few seconds all i could see was white with black and grey swirls. I blinked heavily and squeezed my eyes shut. When i opened them again, i noticed the dude in front of us but not in hearing distance talking to a few other people. Obviously, explaining the situation to them. Showing me it was a democracy, they all had a say. I looked around to see people off all ages, sitting or standing around just watching us. Little children were in a corner playing showing there abilities. My mouth parted, this is a safe haven. I smiled at the thought. Somewhere we were safe.

My smile soon disappeared when the leaders of this safe haven came in front of us now to talk to us however, they stood proud and tall. Like we were lower than them. I scoffed inwardly. Who were they to even think anyone was below them? I wouldn't let them think they were above me or anyone i was with even if i did not know them. My eyes trailed to the man who looked like he was analysing the situation figuring out what was the best thing to say to these people, i smiled at him for encouragement, he needed to sound confident. These people looked like they would not let anyone in and we needed it, we could help. Well i knew i could. Snapping me out of my thoughts was a cough. The leaders appeared to be questioning us and i had missed what had been said.

"Which one of you caused the power outage?" The woman next to him asked. I heard a low little 'don't say anything' so i kept silent. I was going to tell them that it was me but i had to trust the people around me. 

"Don't make her repeat herself," spoke the man who found us in a threatening tone. "Who was it?"

My heart is beating so fast, i thought i was going to have a heart attack or even die from the tempo it was going. Why did they want to know? Who were they? I looked at the man slyly, hoping they wouldn't notice or think that i was showing them who it was. He shook his head, telling me not to say anything. I gulped. I should.

Before i could say anything he spoke, "They all have gifts. Why do you want that one so badly?"

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