Yoongi - Recital

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"Breath in and out, you got this (Y/N)," I said looking at myself in the mirror, giving myself a pep talk.

I was in the CR at the venue of my piano recital, my first piano recital. I felt like I was going to freeze when I go up on stage.

It also didn't help that Yoongi was coming to watch me. I feel like dying right about now.

"(Y/N)?" I hear my mother call as she went to where I was.

"Oh hun," she said bringing me in for a hug. It relaxed me a bit, but I could still feel my heart pound in my chest.

"You got this," she said putting her hands on my shoulders. She smiled trying to encourage me.

I smiled back but I felt a knot form in my throat.

"Come on," she said and I grabbed my purse from the counter. Her hand placed on my back and she led me out the CR.

As soon we got out I saw him leaning on a wall.

"I'll leave you two," Mom said and left me with Yoongi.

"Yoongi," I called and I caught his attention. He looked at me and walked towards me with a smile.

"You'll do great," he said engulfing me in a hug, reassuring me I bet.

"I'm so nervous," I said as he let me go and I looked at my hands that are shaking.

He held my hands and I looked at his hands holding mine for a while, then looked at him, his smile never wavering.

"It's okay to be nervous when you go out there just pretend it's just you and the piano," he said looking into my eyes and I feel my heart pound harder.

"Thank you," I said forcing a smile.

"You got this! Fighting!" He said and my heart race.

"(Y/N) you're up next," Mom said and led me to the backstage, I turned around waving at Yoongi, who had his thumbs up trying to cheer me up.

As we arrived backstage I start to pace back and forth waiting for the person who's playing right now to be done. But, honestly, I'm praying they take their time.

Why couldn't the ground open up and swallow me whole?

Breathe in and out, in and out. I repeatedly say and then I hear the audience clapping.

Oh no, they're done, I'm next.

"I think I'm going to die," I said to myself and then the person who just played came in.

"Congrats," I said courteously and she looked at me blankly, but then smiled.

"Break a leg," she said and I nodded.

"The next pianist (Y/N)," the MC announces.

I walked to the door she just came through, I stare at it for a while.

"I can do this," I say holding the door handle, but feel my hand go weak.

"All or nothing," I open the door and I'm welcomed by the cold air of the theatre. I'm going to die.

I see the grand piano in the middle and I peak to see the audience, I see my parents, my best friend Arianna and my crush Yoongi, all sitting together.

I start to walk towards the grand piano and I felt all eyes on me. I sat on the stool, I fixed the notes and opened the cover of the keys. I rest my hand on the keys and feeling the familiar cold material.

... pretend it's just you and the piano

His voice echoed.

I take in a deep breath and I start. I feel my heart calm down with each note I hit. I close my eyes and just listen to the notes, and my whole being relaxes at the sound of the piano. I continue to play feeling the nervousness I felt vanish slowly.

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