Hoseok - Blind

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Knock, knock.

I heard someone knock on the door and I expected it was Hoseok.

"Come in," I said while looking under my couch, desperately trying to find my glasses.

I stand up frustrated that there was nothing underneath, but dust.

"Hey?" Hoseok stands in front of me but his face is blurred, "Are you okay?" He asks cupping my face and I shake my head no.

"I can't find my glasses," I pout, he chuckled and I hit his arm, "It's not funny, we can't go out today if I don't find it!" I said frustrated and started walking around the living once again, squinting my eyes trying to look for it.

"Do you remember, the last time you had it?" Hoseok asks following my trail.

"If I did, I wouldn't be searching for it right now, would I?" I said annoyed.

"Just trying to help," He said his voice defensive.

"I'm sorry honey," I turn around to kiss his cheek, "It's just I can't really do anything when everything is blurry," I hug him and he hugs me back resting his chin on my head and rubs my back.

"I know, just calm down, clear your head and think carefully," I nodded and I looked up at him, his face a little bit blurred, but the clearest thing I could see since I misplaced my glasses, "Let's retrace your steps," He said guiding me to the couch to sit down.

"Okay," I said calming down.

"Did you have it this morning?" He asked and I nodded, "I took it from the bedside table and wore it." He nodded and I started to think.

"I had it when you called to go out ... and," I paused thinking what I did next, "I went to get ready, so I took a shower, the shower!" I exclaimed and ran to the bathroom, I looked around the sink and saw a face towel, I brought it up and the glasses was underneath.

"Finally!" I grabbed my glasses cleaning the lenses with the hem of my shirt and then put in on.

"I can see!" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Can we go now?" Hoseok said smiling as he leaned on the door frame of the bathroom.

I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thanks for being patient with me," I smiled and he smiled back.

"Always," He said kissing my forehead.


Surprisingly Hoseok brought me to an amusement park despite his fear of rides.

We were waiting in line to ride a rollercoaster ride, Hoseok was terrified, but I held his hand.

"Why did I agree to do this?" He said looking at the rollercoaster and heard screams pass by.

"Because you love me," I said gently making his face to face me and I smiled.

"You're abusing your power," He said and we both laughed.

"We're next!" I said excitedly and was about to walk on the platform, but Hoseok held my hand tight standing still, "Honey, it will be fun, I promise!" I said shaking his hand, he let out a sigh and nodded.

We walked to the seats and a staff went by to make sure we were secured.

Hoseok held my hand tightly and was closing his eyes.

"I'm here," I said squeezing his hand to reassure him.


"I'm never, ever going on that ride ever again," Hoseok said bent over his hands rested on his knees.

"I'm proud of you!" I smiled and he smiles back, "Come on, let's go eat some pretzels." I grab his hand and headed to one of the stalls.

We spent our time in the amusement park riding on rides, Hoseok would decline and I wouldn't push him, respecting his decision. We ate a lot of food from vendors and walked around hand in hand.

"Honey, the fireworks show is about to start," Hoseok said holding my hand as we went through the crowd looking for a good spot.

Then it started and we stop walking.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," I said looking up in the sky.

"It sure is," Hoseok said and I looked at him, he was looking at me.

"Don't be cheesy, and look up!" I playfully slap his arm and he pulls me to his side hugging me.

"I love you," He whispered into my ear his arm over my shoulder.

I look up to him and pecked his lips, "I love you too."

We stood there enjoying the fireworks and each other's company, it was one of the best nights of my life.

A/N: Hey! It's Eun, I'm aware this is short and that there could've been a lot more content, but I honestly hit writer's block and I didn't want to just write more stuff without actually feelings good with it. So instead a short but, sweet Hoseok imagine was written. I'll definitely try my best to write longer imagines!

Do you like amusement parks? And what's your favorite ride(s)? I love roller coasters!

Take care always! Love you, fighting!

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