Seokjin - Sick

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"I'm fine," I said trying to sit up, but Jin rushes next to me putting an extra pillow behind my back to support me.

"You're not fine, you can barely sit up by yourself, let me take care of you," He said fixing the pillows and the blanket for me.

"I have work to do and – "I let out a cough and he sighs – "I'm fine," I say more towards myself than to him.

"I already called your office and they wish you a full cover," He said putting a damp cloth on my forehead.

"I've never taken a leave, they'll think I'm slacking off," I said getting out the bed, the sudden movements make me dizzy and I sit back down on the bed.

"Sick and stubborn," He said under his breath as he left my bedroom.

I close my eyes feeling extremely weak.

"She's fine she says, she has to work she says," I hear Jin say to himself as he shuffled around my room, "And now she's sleeping, " 'I'm fine', yeah right," Jin says sitting beside me and puts the damp cloth on my forehead again, "It's so weird to see you like this, you're the one who usually takes care of me," Jin says and I have to stop myself from smiling, waiting to hear what else he has to say.

I then feel him put his hand under my head, and later I'm lying down.

"Please get better soon," He says holding my hand and kisses it, pretending to be asleep I continue to stay still.

He let's go of my hand and later I hear the bedroom door close shut.

Opening just my left eye to peak if he was still in the room and when I realized it's just me, I open both my eyes.

I brought my right hand to my view, I caress it with my left hand on the spot he kissed.

"Stupid Jin, stupid Jin for being sweet and caring," I say staring at the door, I then see the doorknob move and close my eyes again.

"She's still sleeping," I hear Jin say, I guess he was on the phone with someone, "Sure, I'll tell her once she wakes up," I then hear the door close again.

I open my eyes and kind of wish that Jin would come through the door again. I close my eyes smiling at what he said earlier when he was whining but still took care of me. He was adorable like that.

I feel myself slowly fall asleep.


"(Y/N)," I feel someone tap my shoulder gently and I feel my head about to explode, I hate waking up to headaches.

"Mhmm?" I murmur.

"You have to eat," It was Jin speaking.

I open my eyes adjusting to the light and I felt like I could die, my head was killing me.

"How do you feel?" He asked placing the palm of his right hand on my forehead.

"I feel like I'm dying, but I'm fine," I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"You still have a fever, but at least it went down," I nodded as I sat up and he quickly grabbed a pillow to support my back again.

"Did you make chicken noodle soup?" I asked looking at the bedside table that had a tray with a bowl of soup.

He smiled bringing the tray on my lap.

"I hope you like it," He said taking a spoonful of soup to feed to me, "It's hot," I nodded and he fed it to be.

"How is it?" He asked putting the spoon back in the bowl.

"I can feel myself get better already," I said smiling and he smiled back at me, "Thank you for taking care of me," I said and he just fed me another spoonful of soup.

"I'll go get you water, you can handle eating by yourself?" I nodded and he left me with the tray on my lap.

It's amazing how I feel so weak just lifting a spoon of soup to my mouth, I should seriously be more grateful when I'm not sick.

"Hey, when you get better, let's go out," Jin said as he handed me the glass of water, I take a sip and he helped me put in on the bedside table.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I raise my eyebrow and take another spoonful.

"Yeah," Jin said as he wiped the corner of my mouth.

"Thanks. Where would you take me?" I ask trying to put the tray away and he does it for me.

"Anywhere," He said smiling and I let out a cough.

"Sorry, uhm," Where would I want to go?

"I heard there was a new Korean restaurant that opened up," I replied remembering and he nodded smiling.

"It's settled then," He clapped, "Do you want to do anything right now?" He asked and my mind was blank.

"Did you have something in mind?" He smiled widely, leaving the room and came back with his laptop.

"I thought we could watch a movie together?" He asked holding up his laptop and I patted the space beside me.

"What movie?" I asked staring at his laptop as he opened it up.

"The Notebook?" We looked at each other and nodded.

We spent the whole night watching movies and I fell asleep snuggled up to him.

A/N: Hey! It's Eun, I want to thank you to those who have expressed they've enjoyed reading my imagines! It makes me happy that you truly enjoy something that I've written. It motivates me to continue to write nothing but the best for you to read! I hope you continue to support me!

What's your favorite movie to watch? That you could literally watch no matter the occasion.

Take care always! Love you, fighting!

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