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Camila slowly awoken from her sleep, the first thing she felt was Shawns warm skin on her stomach, where her shirt rose up.. A tingle of happiness erupted in her body. She wrapped her arms around Shawn, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. She'd never seen anything more perfect. It felt as he had been made for her.

Shawn stretched his limbs, his eyes still closed, hugging Camila's body and burying his face into her chest.

Camila picked up her phone and saw the time. 9:30. She smiled widely. Her parents must've assumed she went to school. They had already left for work. This couldn't be any better.

Camila threw her phone aside and closed her eyes, running her thru the back of Shawns hair.

"Good morning, Dobby." She heard his soft, raspy morning voice.

She opened her eyes meeting Shawns. Camila smiled and ran her hand down Shawns arm. "Morning." She replied.

She just looked at him and god he was so- everything. He was so handsome and so.. God, it was an indescribable feeling she felt when she looked at him. She didnt even know what the feeling was. She just felt it.

"Come downstairs with me, I want to cook you breakfast." He said softly.

Camila smiled and stood with him, following him down her staircase. "Shouldn't I be cooking you food since it's my house?" Camila joked.

"That doesn't matter. I'm making you breakfast. I take care of you." He stopped on one stepped and placed a kiss on her forehead. Camila smiled at the giddy feeling and followed him into the kitchen.

She sat on a stool at the counter and watched as Shawn stared around the kitchen, clueless.

Camila giggled at his cuteness. "Just tell me what you need I'll tell you where it is."

Shawn pointed at her and winked. "We make a perfect team, Dobby."

Camila laughed.

"Okay.. Pan, bowl, and that spray you put on the pan before you cook."

Camila stood up and got everything out he listed, set in in front of him, and placed a soft kiss on his chin, before moving to her chair again.

She smiled as she watched Shawn cook. He was so cute cracking eggs over the bowl. Her eyes wandered his body. He wore no shirt and his shorts hung a little low and his sculpted v line showed. Camila didn't know what sounded tastier. The eggs or Shawn?

Shawn pulled his phone out of his shorts pocket and began recording her. "Oooh, whats cookin' good lookin'?" He videoed the eggs he had in the bowl and stopped recording.

Camila laughed. "You're a dork."

Shawn chuckled, moving to pour the eggs in the pan. "I may be a dork.. But I'm about to knock your socks off with these eggs."

Camila smiled. "We'll see."

She picked up her phone and went to SnapChat, sending a picture of Shawn to all her streaks. It was the hottest picture ever. His back was so muscular. And something about how short his shorts were made her body fill with want. God, she was so attracted to him.

Shawn got out a plate and put the eggs on it, setting it in front of Camila. "What would you like to drink, m'lady"

She smiled. He never fails to make her do that. "OJ"

Shawn opened the fridge and got out the orange juice and poured her a glass.

Camila took a bite of the eggs and she wasn't gonna lie, they were pretty amazing.

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