Woah.. WHAT??

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Camila sat on her porch swing. She had her headphones in listening to sad music. She missed him. So bad. She didn't ever want to go out. All her friends went to a lunch date today, she was too sad to even think about eating. Nothing motivated her to do anything.

How are you- J

Jack. He'd been checking up on her the last few days. It made her smile. He's the only one who has really impacted her positively while Shawns been gone

I've been better..- C

We need to change that. – J

Mmm how do you suppose we do that?- C

Be ready in 5. – J

Camilas eyes widened. She stood from her seat yanking out hear headphones and running upstairs. Why was he coming to get her?? She was still wearing pajamas in no make up. This was a disaster- Wait.. Why did she even care how she looked? He wasn't Shawn.. Not that that's changing the fact she's tearing apart her closet. Lately Camila's been kind of pissed at herself. She's been feeling certain things whenever Jack would do certain things. Feelings she only felt with Shawn.

Five minutes later came and she got a message from Jack.

Outside- J

She sprayed perfume quickly before walking downstairs, she opened the door and there he stood. "Hi." She said softly.

"Hello." He smiled, moving aside for her to step out.

"So, where are we going?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter.." He said simply. "We could go out somewhere.. or even just sit on your porch and talk."

"About?" She asked, kindly.

"Anything." He sat down. "How are you?"

Jack was such a kind hearted guy. He was just genuinely a good person.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Doesn't really matter.. Can't be fixed." She sat beside him.

"Well.." He said. "Doesn't hurt to talk about it." He looked at her.

She nodded. "That's true.. but that doesn't mean it helps."

"Got me there.." Jack said.

Camila giggled softly.

"I do want to be here for you though.." He said softly. "Are you happy right now?" He asked. He met her eyes and she got a weird feeling she couldn't really explain.

Camila looked out at the trees. "I mean.."

"Yeah, I know." He said softly.

She looked down. "Yeah.."

Jack sighed. "I hate seeing you like this."

"I hate feeling like this." She looked up.

"I'm always here." He said to her.

"Thank you.." She hugged him, he smelled like the cologne Shawn wore.

He squeezed her. "Anytime." He stood. "I can see you don't really want to talk right now.."

No. Not true. You're doing great.. Don't go.

Camila watched him as he brushed off his jeans. "Want me to pick you up in the morning?" He asked.

"Uhm.. sure." She said softly.

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning."

She really wanted to tell him to stay, that he was actually distracting her from all the sadness.. Oh well..

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