1.11 Things That Hurt

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[Periscope is sitting on top of their bed, reading. Here is where you remember that Periscope had a bedroom in episode 1.03. There's a knock on the door.]

Periscope, not looking up from their book: Yeah?

[Dice opens the door. After walking into frame, they lay on the bed next to where Periscope is sitting.]

Dice: Peri can I sleep here tonight?

Periscope: It's eleven in the morning.

Dice: Will you pet my hair while I fall asleep?

Periscope: ... Are you high?

Dice, sleepily: Mm...

Periscope: Where did you get pills?

Dice, sleepily: Same place as always.

Periscope: You can't be high in my room.

[Dice whimpers.]

Periscope: Dice, please go to your own room.

Dice, sleepily: Make me.

[The camera cuts to Dice lying down in a different bed in a different room. Periscope is sitting on the floor.]

Periscope: Are you okay?

Dice, sleepily: My wrist hurts.

Periscope: Oh, don't be such a baby. I didn't hurt you. Besides-

Dice, sleepily: I don't feel good.

Periscope: You don't feel good where?

Dice, sleepily: In my heart.

Periscope: Your physical heart or your emotional heart?

Dice, sleepily: I don't know.

Periscope: I'll be back. I'm just going to get you some water, is that okay?

Dice, sleepily: No, but you probably should anyways.

[The camera cuts to Dice and Periscope's kitchen. Pipette is sitting at the kitchen table. Periscope can be heard about to walk into frame, but stops.]

Periscope, out of frame: Pipette?

[Pipette doesn't answer. Periscope walks the rest of the way into frame.]

Periscope: We've been worried about you, where have you been?

Pipette: Where's Dice?

Periscope, walking to the cupboard and taking out a glass: Upstairs. Probably falling asleep. They, um... They went back to the Fixer.

[Periscope goes to the sink to fill the glass with water.]

Pipette: Really?

Periscope: I am positive.

Pipette: I'm sorry.

Periscope: It's not your fault. Dice has been worried sick about you, but I don't think that's why.

Pipette: ... Butterscotch.

Periscope, handing the glass of water to Pipette: Here. Go do some fixing of your own.

Pipette: Are you implying-

Periscope: I'm not implying anything. It's just going to make them feel better.

[Pipette walks off screen with the glass of water. The camera cuts to the inside of Dice's bedroom. There's a knock.]

Dice, sleepily: ... Mm?

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