Chapter 2

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Lance's Past continued:
Lance's POV

I was standing in a sunflower field. There was a slight breeze and it was filled with the scent of Autumn. The sky was a deep blue and cloudless. I was lost gazing at the vastness of the sky. Someone was calling my name. The voice was beautiful and as they singsonged my name I turned to see them. My face stretched into a wide smile. For what reason I couldn't tell you because before I could look at the stranger calling my name, I was wrapped into a hug. The warmth and the scent of this familiar stranger was soothing and comforting. Slowly, the stranger pulled away and my body craved the warmth that was now missing. I could see this stranger clearly now. It was Mama. My eyes welled with tears and before my eyes could process it my ears did. She was talking to me. But I couldn't hear them. I could only hear singing. The song was a lullaby and I was loosing myself to its melody. But I wanted to hear my mother's voice. To hear her beautiful voice that made my heart flutter. I tried to tell her that I couldn't hear her, but my voice was lost in the wind. I followed the gust with my eyes and when I turned back to look at Mama. She was gone. I felt something wrap around my waist and instantly I was being pulled through the sunflower field. Sunflowers and their leaves were whipping my skin. It was worth it in the end as I was brought to a clearing. It held a long picnic table with a red and white checkered blanket over the weathered wood. On top of that blanket was an arrangement of food. My vision blurred as the tears prickled at my eyes again. I couldn't see the stranger that pulled me to the clearing. I couldn't see the stranger that slowly caressed my cheek. The gesture was once again so familiar yet distant. Papa. I wanted to assure him that I was fine but, I had no way of telling you. So, I expressed it in the only way I could. I hugged you so tightly and you gripped me twice as hard. It hurt that you and Mama meant so much to me and I couldn't find the words to tell you. I felt your grip slack and as I opened my closed eyes I saw my whole family sitting at the table. They were all looking at me. No, waiting for me. I took my steps to the picnic table slowly at first. Then started sprinting. And then...

I woke up to Iro shaking me gently. Despite the gentle waking I flinched and jumped into a sitting up right position.

I want to see the sunflowers again...

"Easy. Easy. I'm sorry for startling you but, we have to get on the airplane now. You know what an airplane is right?"

"A-air p-p-plane?" I repeated in confusion.

"Oh boy. This is going to be fun. When you look up at the sky and see a funny shaped x that's actually an airplane. It's a type of machine that flies in the air." Iro stated.

I must have looked as dumbfounded and shocked as I felt because Iro laughed a little. It'll be alright. Just a little loud and the take off will be a little rough. It's going to be okay though because I'll be right there. It's a private jet so you don't have to worry about other people looking at you."

I squirmed in the car seat uncomfortable at the thought of people staring at me.

"Sir-Iro we're leaving this place behind right?"

Iro looked very serious when I said that, "Yes Lance we are."

"Then I don't care how we get there, Si-Iro. I apologize it has become a habit to address someone as Sir or Ma'am."

"It's quite alright Lance. I understand completely. Now, you ready to go?" Iro happily asked me.

"More than ready."

I said as I hopped out of the car. I jumped back when I saw the airplane.

"W-what is that!?" I gasp.

"The fuselage or body of the airplane, holds all the pieces together. It's from the rounded tip to the end or tail. Not the things coming off from it. The pilots sit in the cockpit at the front of the fuselage. That's the rounded tip part of the airplane. It has all those windows for the pilot to see. Passengers and cargo are carried in the rear of the fuselage. Which is where we are going to be sitting. Some aircraft carry fuel in the fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings. The wings are those things coming off of the fuselage. They help the pilots stir the airplane into the air or down to the ground. Those big things attached to the wings are to help propel and stabilize the plane while it's flying."

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