Chapter 3

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Lance's Past:
Lance's POV
-2 months later-

I've learned so much in the two months since I've been here. Iro says that I am a natural genius and just needed to be given the material. My fifth grade education advanced into high school level. The thing I'm most interested in though is space. Iro is proud of my interest in it. He told me that space is Earth's next great adventure. Finding proof of life and more information on how we came to be is very important.

"Lance?" Iro called out to me.

"Yes?" I respond and make my way to the living room.

"You know my son I was telling you about?"

"Takashi Shirogane, right?" I ask as I entered the living room.

Iro was sitting in his chair and standing in front of him was a much younger version. He was the same height and buffer than Iro. The features they shared were remarkable uncanny the only difference was the wrinkles.

"Um...hi. I'" I mutter. I felt my face flush so I directed my gaze downwards.

"It's nice to meet you Lance. Dad told me a lot about you. So it's nice to finally see the man he's been talking so much about. Please call me Shiro." Shiro said as he made his way to me.

He put out his right hand and I stared at it hesitantly. It was a welcoming gesture accompanied with a soft smile. I want to glance at Iro for help but I think that would be rude. So I slowly put my hand out. We clasp into a firm handshake.

A soft smile spreads across my face as I wet Shiro's gaze.

"It's n-n-nice to meet you. My name's Lance."

"Well, Lance Dad tells me that you have taken an interest in space. Did he tell you that I'm going up into space?"

"Y-you're wh-what!?" I sputtered.

"I'm going out into space to help look for proof of life." Shiro told me.

"Can I come too?"

Both father and son laugh lightly at my question.

"I'm sorry Lance but, this is a journey that you can't go on. Well, can't quite yet."

"What do you mean, Sir-erm...Shiro?" When my nerves act I revert back to addressing someone as sir.

"Well, I go to the Galaxy Garrison. I and two others are being sent up into space for data collection to find proof of alien life. You can go to the Galaxy Garrison too. You submit an application when you're sixteen and if you get in you learn to pilot rockets and other space crafts."

"I want to go there. I'm fifteen now."

"Wait when did you turn fifteen?" Iro asked.

"Today. It's July 28th isn't?"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner I would have planned something for you?"


"Birthdays are usually celebrated. You'll get presents and cake and you get to do whatever you want." Shiro explained.

"Oh. What's cake? I know what a present is. It's gun right?"

"Dad what have you been teaching him?" Shiro looks as confused as Iro.

"Iro has been teaching me so that I'm no longer at fifth grade education. I'm at high school now." Shiro looked shocked.

"Well, a present is an object given to someone for them to keep. It is usually something that means a lot to the receiver. Like the person was eyeing something in a store or they saw it in a magazine and they wanted it. Do you know if you want anything?" Iro explained.

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