Chapter 4

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Present day
FYI: Lance is still the blue lion because Allura so picked them based on clothes.  Shiro gravitates towards Keith.

Lance's POV

There was a flaw in the plan. I tried to bring it up at the discussion table but, before I could everyone told me to shut up. My only option was trying to talk to Shiro. I've been having a hard time being around him since he doesn't remember me. I was running after him.

"Hey Big-um...Shiro! Wait up please!"

"Get to your lion Lance." Shiro stated.

"Shiro! Shiro please! I need you to listen to me here. Please! Shir-"

"Lance please not now! We have to get going and I don't have the time for this right now. Go get into your lion now!" Shiro lectured me.

"..." I was shocked.

"Get to your lion Lance."

"WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!!!" I yell, "I'M APART OF THIS TIME TOO!!! WE CAN'T ALL BE LIKE YOUR FAVORITES!!! I'm not Keith. I'm not strong like him. I-I-I'm not like Pidge. I'm not crazy smart. I know I'm a goofball and a flirt. But can't you recognize that I'm trying here? Can't you even acknowledge that? That-that I'm apart of this team too. And I use to be Little Brother Lance. And you were Big Brother Shiro."


"Now's not the time for you to have a mental breakdown Lance. We'll discuss this later."

"Sir yes sir." I mock, "Just wanted to tell you Sir. That there is a flaw in your plan. The Galra drones have a pattern of grouping towards the general west part of the ship and your plan has us going directly through the west. If we went east then we'd have a better success rate. But just saying Sir. Your plan is still great Sir."

And I walk away.

The battle was a success and Shiro had the last minute idea to go through the east. I was talking to Hunk asking if he felt guilty when Shiro came in.

"Lance," Shiro said in a stern voice, "The Galra have killed hundreds-"

"And we've killed thousands of them! They could have had a fam-" I was cut off with another slap.

"Welcome to Voltron Lance. You need to train to be a sharpshooter. And when you're not you're training in combat. I don't need a sympathetic soldier. I need a perfect one."

Something inside me snapped and everything went black.

-Shiro's POV-

I cut off Lance by slapping him.

He shouldn't be pitying the enemy. He should be mad at them. They are monsters. They mutilated my arm. Separated the Holts. Enslaved planets. All under Zarkon's orders.

"Welcome to Voltron Lance. You need to train to be a sharpshooter. And when you're not you're training in combat. I don't need a sympathetic soldier. I need a perfect one."

I watched Lance's face scrunch up in pain and then pass out. Hunk ran over, glared at me, and then carried Lance off somewhere.

What just happened? Was that because of me? This all very confusing. Come to think of it. The team and I barely know anything about Lance. I'll ask Allura to create a memory related test.

-Lance's POV-

I was awake but not at the same time. This is one of those astral projection moments. Except I haven't left my body I'm still in it but I can't move. Only watch.

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