Chapter 5

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-Lance's POV-
I was alone again. All alone. Trapped in a metal box. With nothing but darkness and myself.
"Please let me out! I'll be good! I promise. Please."
"Lance you're not in the box open your eyes." A male voice called out.
I was lying in the shade of a tree on a checkered blanket, gazing up at the clouds. They were like spots that the Sun forgot to paint.

"Hey Lance?" The voice called out to me, "Do you want to see the sunflowers again?"

"Yes! Please!"

"Close your eyes. Ready?"


-Lancelot's POV-

I gasped awake. I dreamt of the Lance. He was in the sunflower field again. He was happy and that was all I wanted. Once I left him alone I dreamt of the War and Commander's voice haunted me awake. I calmed down upon awaking though.

Time to train. So, I headed off to the training deck. I needed to work on my hand to hand combat. Yesterday proved how rusty I was. Who would be a good person to ask? Shiro? Keith?

As I arrived to the training deck I found that both males were already there.

"Sirs!" I shouted and saluted as the two stop fighting.

"Lance! I mean Lancelot!" Keith shouted.

"Do you mind if I train with you, Sirs?" I ask while still saluting.

"Uh, sure Lancelot. I don't know why you need to though. You clearly out match us. Please stop calling us Sirs. Or sir. Just call me Keith and you can call Shiro well, Shiro." Keith said.

"Is it alright if the two of you attack me at once, Keith, Shiro?"

"Yeah sure." Shiro responds this time.

They make their attack against me. I let Shiro and Keith each land a blow to figure out their weaknesses and patterns. Shiro tends to lean more towards his Galra arm for attacking and Keith tries to aim for the critical punching areas.

When Shiro tries to punch me again I grab his Galra arm and twist it around to his back. Then I swipe Keith's legs out and press against a muscle on Shiro's back causing him to yelp and fall onto Keith. With both pinned I smile.

"Do you yield?" I ask. It sounded so monotone and that upset me because I wanted to add a little bite to it.

"Yes! Yes we yield!" Keith groaned out.

"My apologies Sirs! I did not mean to hurt you." I say as I drop Shiro's arm and step away to salute.

"It's fine. Really. Please call us by our names. We gave you permission to do so. Also Lancelot, how did you defeat us so quickly?" Shiro asked.

"I let you both take a punch at me to figure out you're weaknesses. You, Shiro tend to favor more your Galra arm and position your human arm further away. Keith aims for the critical punches area where to blow could do serious temporary damage."

"You figured that all out in two minutes!" Keith exclaimed.

"Originally it was Lance. His memories and I are connected so what he knows I know. It is not the other way around and thank goodness for that. I had to see if it was true about what your weaknesses were though. Lance is past Pidge level smart. He hates showing it though. He likes to be the goofball flirt because it was who he chose to be. He worked hard to be the genius he is. For that I am proud of him."

"Could you tell us more about you and Lance as we recover?" Keith asked.

"I don't see why not. Lance and I have a complicated relationship. I faded away since he didn't need me to protect him. So I do not know of his time in the Garrison. Even with our connected memories those things seemed to be kept away from me. Well, I remember the day he got his acceptance letter for the Garrison. The mailman gave him the mail that day and he was felt so disappointed when he didn't find it. Then the doorbell rang again and it was the mailman apologizing for forgetting a letter. It was from the Garrison. Lance was on the verge of tears and was calling out 'Dad!' 'Dad! The letter is here!" Iro came barreling down the hallway and was bracing himself against Lance. He was accepted and for the second time in his life he cried tears of joy." My monotone voice made it sound dull but I felt that it sent the message. I placed my hand over Lance's heart and smiled softly to myself.

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