Chapter 7

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-Lance's POV-

"What are you talking about I'm fine." I reply instantly.

"That right there is a sign that you're not. How quickly you responded as if it was a drilled habit. It's okay to let your guard down around me. I won't judge you or hurt you. All I want to do is protect and help you."

"H-how can you k-know so much about me? How can you just know what to say so that I feel safe? That your words are sincere?"

"I honestly don't know myself. My initial thought was soulmate. But I'm open for suggestions."

"Lotor...I want to talk to you more. I really do and something inside me is screaming to do so but, I-I-I don't know how. How do you just tell a stranger everything you want to keep bottled up and forgotten? How do you tell a stranger something so horrible? How can you tell anyone for that matter?" I let out a nervous laugh. Tears welled in my eyes,
"Tell me please. How can you just open up to someone? I've known a couple of my teammates for years. Hell one of them is my brother. was only a couple of days ago did they learn small truths about me that left them sobbing messes. It left me with a split personality. I know I need help. I know there is something wrong with me. I know. Trust me I do. Yet I don't think I'm strong enough to tell someone. Even Iro, my adoptive dad, he doesn't even know everything. I don't want you to look at me differently. I don't want that look of pity because I hate that feeling. I just...I just want to believe I'm okay." I broke down at the end. Tears fell down my face. I hid myself in my hands. What came next surprised me.
Lotor wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. Tightly. I was stiff at first but then melted into it. Soon I was hugging even tighter. All the while my thoughts were racing.

What is this feeling? What is going on? My heart is fluttering, but why? I never felt like this. It was always drilled into me that no one cared for a sob story. That no one cared about me. That was until I meant Iro but he was my dad. He guided me in the right direction. It feels different with Lotor though. I'm not being taught the difference of what is right and wrong. Instead I'm learning about...affection??? I want to learn more. And maybe Lotor will show me everything I want and need.


-Lotor's POV-

This boy was something else entirely. Strong but broken. Happy but so sad. His entire being was a contradiction. He wants help but, he doesn't know how to ask for it. He wants to tell someone the truth but, he doesn't want to hurt them.

I look down at the sleeping boy wrapped in my arms.

I'm going to be here for him. I'm going to be everything that he needs.

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