Chapter 6

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-Shiro's POV-

We were scrambling to find Lance. Erm...Lancelot. Coran said that Lancelot and him were cleaning the pods when Coran was done recanting one of his stories he turned around and saw that Lancelot was no longer there. Coran just assumed Lancelot wondered off.
"Alright team! We have to find Lancelot. Keith and Hunk you'll take the west wing. Pidge and Coran you'll take the east wing. Allura check the scanners and cameras for Lance. I'll take the north win-"

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" The castle alarms started blaring.

"Alright guys, let's find the intruder by doing our plan to find Lancelot. Hurry up and change into armor and move as fast as you can. This intruder could find Lancelot before us."

A stone of dread sat in my stomach when I said that. Sure Lancelot can fight but, something could have happened to him and that's why we have find him.

-???'s POV-

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" The castle alarms started blaring.

Quiznak! I must have tripped a wire!

"Hunk! I think I saw the intruder!" A male voice shouted.
Today is not my day it appears.
I hurried down the corridor. And arrived into a room full of pods. One of them was closed. Quickly I opened it up and before I could step in. A boy fell out. He was covered in blood. His blood. The blood oozing from his split hands was evidence enough.

"What happened to you? By the gods and goddesses above." I mutter.
The boy was crying and looked like he was still conscious. I heard the echo of footsteps and quickly I picked the boy up and pressed him against the pods wall.

" me..." The tan beauty whispered.

I don't think I have the heart to leave him behind.

When I thought the coast was clear I forced opened the pod. Scooping up the boy I carried him bridal style to my ship.

"I'll be good...I'll be good...I promise...p-please let me out..." the boy was muttering to himself. His eyes squeezed shut as if reliving being trapped in that pod for who knows how long.

"Hush now, it's okay. You're out now. I got you out. You won't have to go back into that place again. I, Lotor, promise you that." I told him as I walked up my ship's ramp.

"Plea-" The boy was about to beg.

"It's alright. Sleep now, when you wake up it'll all be okay." I interrupted him.

I sat down and kept him on my lap. I never noticed how tense he was until I felt him relax. His breath still had a little hick but evened our enough indicate that he was asleep.

I don't know who he is. Or what happened to him but something deep inside me is screaming to protect him. Voltron is responsible for this. They will pay.

-Allura's POV-
I was monitoring the cameras when I saw the intruder. He wasn't alone though. He had a bloodied Lance in his arms. I felt sick.

"Paladins and Coran. The intruder has Lance in his arms. He is covered in blood. I-I think it is his own." I heard everyone suck in a breath, "It looks like the intruder is heading to the hanger. I'll stay here and rewind the cameras to try and see what the intruder did before."

"Alright Princess!" Everyone responds.

But when I heard the sound of a ship taking off. I knew it was too late. The ship can into view it was a fully tricked out Galran ship that had boosted thrusters, blaster beams, and just about everything the castle's weapons could do pasted down into that little ship.

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