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Altraz, A kingdom in the Lost World, known as the brother of Arroz. The Lost World, a world which consists of kingdoms similar to Earth and it's cultures, known as γράμμα z, or Grámmaz


"Where are the girls?!!", a raspy voice screeched through a quiet hallway. He was having quite a bad day, failing nearly everything the king commanded him to do. It was simple really, find the Derach's and take them to the king, alive. That wasn't the case for Florin, he in one day managed to loose all 4 Derachs and also have half his man get eaten by ogres.

"Do you want to know how valuable they were?!" Florin screamed at a mans face. "They are Derach's! For goodness sake, the king will have our heads the moment we step foot in his kingdom empty handed", he screamed once more.

"Sir, if I may please, why are they so important to the king", the man questioned with a slight look of terror on his face, afraid of what Florin might do.

"Ha..... you... you.. don't even know what they are! The Derach's are the last of their race and can be the only ones to save Altraz! They are the only ones that the king can use for an army!!! There may only be 4 but right now, 4 is equivalent to 10 million soldiers on that battle field.. we need them more than they think. Because without them... we're going to loose against Arroz", he screamed.
On the country side

Four girls, quite rather young to be seen as world killers are now walking through the border to Arroz and just managed to escape Florin.

"I don't understand why we have to run?" I mean, we are quite a distance from the palace and many assume that we are dead", a young girl murmured.

"We must get to Arroz, we won't be there before nightfall if we run, so we must run child", an older girl answered.

"Will You two stop talking, we must get to the border before it's to late", another one jumped in.

"Will You three shut your mouths! This whole trip all you've been doing is bickering with each other", one more joined in.

"Watch your language" the younger girl responded.

Four girls, also known as the Derach's that escaped Florin are Kleon of Kallisto from west Caraz,the younger of the four,Mackenzie of Ezekiel from Northern Iraz, the last girl talking,Ketzia of Bion from Amaraz, the third girl, and finally Dawne Seaboane a pirate from Caribaz, the older girl. To put it in short words, Derach's are an ancient race of creatures that are able to summon a certain spirit of their zodiac and use it in battle.

Thanks for reading! Ps.Translate the Lost World's real name to English from Greek.

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