The Derach's

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We tried identifying the girl but all that we came up with were that she was a lost girl really in need of some sunlight.

"Who art thou?", she spoke in an old way. We all introduced ourselves hoping not to freak her out. "Greetings to you too, My name is Ketzia daughter of Bion",she greeted.

"Wait.... What's your last name?",Eva questioned.

"I do not know of this last name you speak of?".
Then it hit me, Ketzia was someone that entered the Lost World the last time it opened,which was over a thousand years ago. That's why she spoke in an odd way. As if everyone knew what I was thinking they started to show understanding faces.

"I'm sorry but I still am very much confused, I have friends that came with me here."

"Ketzia tell us the last thing you remember", Peyton asked with a face of confusion.

"Well... I was taking a rest and it was very cold so I decided to go outside of our tent and light a new fire for everyone's warmth. The next thing I know i'm being grabbed by a gruesome monster and stabbed by a silver blade.After that I showed up where exactly is here?"

"Ketzia before we continue we must assure that you are in a stable condition", Eva assured her. We went back to the entrance of the cave and helped Ketzia walk. She was wearing very tattered clothing that was filled with dust and had some spiders crawling at the back just a simple dress that was gray, and some leather sandals.

"Who's she?", Dean asked. We all explained to them who she was and what we knew about the cave.

"So you're like a ghost?", Israel asked. I elbowed him in the ribs then he stopped. Before we continued, Eva,Peyton and I gathered some blankets and food to comfort Ketzia while the rest gathered firewood and started a fire.

"Ok, Ketzia what year was it when you entered this place?",I asked.

"It was the year 3607"

"I believe what she is trying to say is 3607 BC",Brenden added.

"Ketzia it's the year 2019 AC. Which means you have been trapped in that coffin for over 5000 years", I told her.

"What do you mean by that?It is clearly not possible to sleep for that long, you're just stretching the truth"

"Actually Ketzia, she's right, by the looks of it you've been trapped in there for quite a long time. Which explains your accent", Eva continued.

"Wait, then that means that my family has been long gone....I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye" We all looked at her in an empathetic way. After a moment of respect I realised that she said friends as in more than just her as in she's not the only one in that cave.

"Guys I think we forgot a few bodies?", I yelled alarmingly. Eva,Rory and I ran off into the cave to get the other bodies. One by one they all awoke with surprised faces. I approached a tall girl with long brown hair and told her that it was going to be okay. I led her outside where we cleaned her up and gave her some food. Everyone else already got someone so I assumed that no one else was left. We all talked to them assuring them that it was going to be okay. The person I rescued was the first to talk. "Um....we thank you for being so generous to us, but I must ask who art thou?"

Then again we all introduced ourselves in a kindly matter. "My name is Mackenzie daughter of Ezekiel."

Next a really tall girl girl with shorter hair introduced herself. "I am Dawne Seaboane,from South Carabaz"

"And I myself shall introduce myself to you I am Kleon daughter of Kallisto", said a more shorter girl.

"Ok well, this is the year 2019 AC by the way and all of you are over 5000 years old.", Brenden announced casually.

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