Another Key

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"Ahhhhh" Gasped a voice. It was Peyton.

"What!" Ayva said.

"I had this sort of dream. About the other people in our class," Peyton said, shaking.

"Oh, it was just a dream, Peyton.

"But it wasn't a dream, it was like.........a vision," Peyton continued ignoring Ayva. She was drenched in sweat.

"Let's hear it then," I whispered, careful not to wake anyone else up.

"Well, this voice said I know where they are, and you must find the keys to the Boxes of......."Peyton said.

"Of what Peyton!" Eva yelled.

"Something.. I..I...forgot!" Peyton stammered.  "I remembered that they might be inside of those boxes.... YES!", Peyton said a little too over excited. "Our classmates! It said, 'You must find the keys to the boxes that hold your classmates..........souls."

"Souls?? You mean.........they're dead?" I asked, jaw open. Peyton shrugged.

"Ok we need to find those boxes," Ayva said.

"Wake everyone up, we'll get everyone to know what they think about your vision,"

"Wait," Peyton said. "There's more. It said, The first group's key is hidden in the coconut from the tree. It unlocks the box in the silver oyster in the sea. The key for the second group  in the lion's fur will unlock the box in a blurr. For the third group, you must get the key in the diamond to unlock the box in the cave on the sheer cliff in the tallest mountain. But beware of the many unforeseen dangers." Peyton told us. Then it was silent.

"The coconut of the tree obviously meant the coconut in the palm tree," Ayva enquired, scribbling away in her notebook.

"There's a box in the sea in an oyster. Then we have to get a key out of a lion's fur and climb the highest tree to unlock the box. Cracking open a diamond will be tough, and climbing a sheer cliff sounds like fun!" Ayva said. She loves rock climbing.

"Ayva, we don't even know if we're doing this," I said gently.

"We have to, for our friends!" Argued Ayva. What friends? As far as I can tell they're just mere acquaintances

"I think they're safe at the campground," I told her.

"Remember the day Rory fell in? When we were supposed to eat with the other groups but no one was there? And how no other groups helped us look for Rory? There's no possible way they're at the campground" Eva said.

"Eva's right guys," Said Brendon, waking up.

Eva  walked out of the hut. When she popped back in she simply told us, "We leave at dawn tomorrow." Then we went back to sleeping with a sudden rush and excitement to embark on our new found journey. When dawn came the next morning we all got up and started to leave, but Rory had forgotten his flat screen T.V. He scurried back into his hut to get it and shoved it in his backpack. God knows how it fit in there. We walked for a long time silently, occasionally stopping to have short breaks.

Finally we arrived at the beach. It seemed to stretch  out for miles. We walked a little further, then the palm trees came into sight. "Oy, I see them! This should be easy! I'm an excellent tree climber," Rory boasted. As we got closer, we realized this would not be easy. Unlike normal palm trees, that were only a couple of metres, these looked as though they could be thousands. Clouds were just reaching the tips of the palm trees. There were coconuts, luckily. But they were enormous! Cracking one of those would take some tremendous effort.

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