The Portal

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We arrived at section 2 starving and thinking about the food that we were about to eat. "Where are they?" Eva asked.

They were nowhere to be seen. "I have no clue. They should be here," I responded.

We looked around the campsite for about ten minutes, but they simply weren't there. Then group 1B arrived. "Where are they?" Dean asked us girls.

"No idea," Ayva responded.

"Hey where'd you get that big cut from?" Israel asked, confused.

Then Eva, Ayva, and I all glared at Peyton furiously. "I'm sorry, ok!" Peyton shouted.

"Well, Peyton here thought I was a monster and throw a stick at my FACE!!!" Ayva replied.

"Wow Peyton, nice going!" Rory and Israel said flabbergasted. Eva & I laughed at the same time, Peyton was red in the face embarrassed.

Suddenly we heard Rory, "Hey guys?!" We went over to see what Rory was talking about. We then heard a screaming sound, come from where Rory was calling. I took one look at Eva, and she looked like she just saw a ghost. I looked at what Eva was lookin at, and that's where I saw Rory's Backpack and iPhone sprawled across the ground covered in blood. Eva went towards it and, by the look on her face she looked really shocked, but at the same time  worried.

Everyone suddenly looked at Eva. 

After several hours we were all back at section 1. Deciding I wanted a nap I walked back to the tent and saw that Ayva and Peyton were also there,asleep. Whiskers was laying right beside Ayva. That's  when I noticed that Eva wasn't at all there. 

Where was everyone else? There was no way that they would just leave us alone like that. The whole day was spent on us looking for everyone else. Rory somehow disappeared and multiple times I knew, the portal was back.

We spent about 7 hours looking and by then we were so tired that we just gave up and went to bed.
Eva never gave up though, that's why she wasn't at the tent. She was busy looking for Rory. In the end we all assumed that he went exploring and decided to play a nasty prank on us.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP, NOW!" Eva yelled to no one in particular. "Rory hasn't come back yet!"

"Okay, Okay!"Ayva said groggy. She looked super tired and her hair was a was a frizzy mess. I rolled over, groaned, and crawled out of my sleeping bag. We all got dressed and brushed our hair while Eva was telling  us to hurry up, saying how Rory could've been killed by a wolf.

"Eva, there are no wolves in the Caribbean.
I sighed.

"A shark, then," Eva yelled. "So hurry up!"

"Okay, we're coming," Ayva responded more awake. Ayva's curly hair was now pulled back into a puffy braid, and she had on a blue sweater and jean shorts.

"Let's go," I told everyone, pulling on a light brown sweater with a light Jean jacket over it. We hiked out of the tent and started walking down the path.

"Let's start with tent 1B and ask if they have seen him around," Peyton said. As we arrived at tent 1B we saw Israel and the other boys already looking.

"Hi," Ayva greeted.

"Hey, look," Eva said. She had spotted Rory's manual on boxing. She walked towards Rory's stuff, then just disappeared into thin air.

"Eva!" I screamed. I ran towards where Eva had disappeared, and suddenly I was falling. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed. Then I landed on the ground with a hard  thump.

I looked around noticing we were in the middle of a jungle. There were trees everywhere and something was falling from the sky that looked like a squealing bird. As it got closer, I realized it was Peyton and Ayva.

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