The Heir

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I looked around my feet barely seeing anything and then I suddenly I heard a scream. It was a sharp scream one you would hear after someone would get deeply hurt. Something's wrong.

"Alison",a voice whispered.

"Alison!", it whispered more urgently.

I gasped and woke up. I looked around me and saw a large dimly lit room with a really big window covered with golden drapes to my left. To my right were lots and lots of presents and standing beside me was a  young woman staring down at me.

"Who are you?",I questioned.

"We don't have time for games Alison we must get to the throne room immediately",she spoke softly.
Before I could argue I saw a flash of light and I was suddenly in a long white gown that had red drapes around the sides. It was a beautiful dress, not the kind I would wear though. In fact I don't really like dresses that much.

The girl quickly led me to two giant doors with two guards in golden armour standing outside. Looking at the girl she smiled at me and quickly opened the door for me to walk in. I looked around me and what I saw was mesmerizing. The room was covered in red and gold banners along the walls and had massive glass windows on both sides. The floor had a giant carpet leading up to the throne on the sides were massive marble columns that looked as if they held up the ceiling. I looked up expecting to see the king or queen and to my surprise there was no one but an old man standing beside it. The king or queen was probably still coming.  There were several people there as well, many dressed in royal attire and some dressed in armour. They seemed really important.

"Your highness", the old man spoke.

"Excuse me?" I asked in shock.

He smiled a warm smile and beckoned me to come closer.

"I am no royalty, you must be mistaken"

"Nonsense princess. You are the rightful heir to Arroz. After you're father died he told me that once you turned 15 you would be the new queen!" He glorified.

I stared at him  and everyone else, they were looking at me with happiness in their eyes.
What's going on I though to myself.

Later on the same girl escorted me from my room to what seemed like the dining room where a bunch of people were scurrying all over the room to set up what seemed like a Christmas feast? Wait Christmas? I'm also only 14 and that dude just told me I was 15? What's going on??My birthday is also in December.. and we left in May!

"Ah Princess or should I see Queen there you are", a man dressed in royal clothing spoke.

I glanced at him and to his right was a young man that seemed to stare into my eyes as if it were to pierce into my soul.

I sat down at the chair at the very front of the table and looked at everybody. They all looked very important and royal as well. I looked back at the young man and I could finally see him clearly. His hair was as white as snow and his skin was tan. He had a black coat draped over him with a small crown on his head. Must be a Prince.

"Now,Princess ....Amberle" he looked behind me. Wait what-

"Uncle Grayson, how lovely to see you all here", she spoke with a charm in her voice.

Who was this other girl and why did they call her princess? I thought I was the princess. Maybe we're related?
The dinner went by smoothly for everyone except me as many thoughts went through my mind. Who was Amberle, who was that prince? Who am I?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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