Giants and Monkeys

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"So, you said something about a giant or whatever?," Peyton asked.

"Yeah, I was looking around to see where I was,and-"

"Ayva, "Not now, we gotta get outta here. That giant's not gonna be gone for long," I said,interrupting her.

"Chariz is right you guys, we gotta get outta here, it's not-" Suddenly Rory got interrupted by something. I looked at what Rory was looking at, and there was the answer staring me right in the face. It was the giant. It was the biggest, ugliest creature I had ever seen. It was holding a huge bat and had on a belt with a skull. A human skull. It's teeth were the size of our heads and had teeth that looked as sharp as a dinosaurs.

"Holy crap!" Peyton screamed.

"Alright guys time for plan B"! Rory shrieked.

"Um... Rory, what exactly is plan B!" I staggered.

"Oh, it's RUN!" In seconds we ran.

"So Chariz , plan C is get everyone else and go to the hut!" Rory said breathing heavily.

"Ok," I nodded back in the same expression as Rory's.

" I think we lost him," I said, trying to catch some air. We were at the hut, gasping.

"So you think we'll ever find our way to the others and home?" Rory suddenly asked in a sad tone. It hit me that we've been in this world only a day and that might've been an hours or so back home. Wherever that is.

"Yeah, probably not," Peyton carelessly said.
I elbowed Peyton in the ribs. "I....I mean I know we're gonna find the others, Rory" Peyton said.
"Until then we gotta make a fire."

"I can," Ayva said. "I'll go get some wood." So she scampered off into the woods and noticed that there was a bloody cut on her left ankle, just below her runner, where she got caught on. Moments later Ayva came out of the forest carrying a bundle of twigs. After that the fire was started in no time. We sat around it and then the other half of our group came. Somehow Eva found them while running from the giant?

They looked unharmed but tired. "Hey," Eva said. "Hello," I greeted. "Looks like you got Ayva," Brendan noticed.

"Yup, got me just in time to avoid getting eaten by the world's fattest, ugliest giant," Ayva repeated casually.

"Seriously? We had a run in with some vicious monkeys," Dean said. Rory, Peyton, Ayva,Eva and I snickered.

"What, you think thats funny?! Try meeting a monkey, think it's cute, then have it try to BITE YOUR FACE OFF!!!!"

"Okay, we really need to eat now," I said. So we sat around the the fire, talking about vicious monkeys and giants, eating berries and nuts. Well we ate, not the giants and monkeys.

Then it went silent. "We need to find a way home, or at least to Adventureland. Mrs. Bucsis is probably worrying like crazy. And I miss Whiskers already!" Worried Ayva.

"Yeah," I agreed. "But don't forget, time is slower here. We've been here a day, that's like half an hour," Brendan reminded us.

"But still, I miss Whiskers," Ayva cried.

"Okay, tomorrow we'll start planning," Israel announced. Shortly after that we cleaned up dinner and put out the campfire.

"We should have someone guard, in case the giant or vicious monkeys come back. I'll go first," Rory said.

"I'll go too," Dean chimed in.

"Sure", Rory agreed.

"I'll wake up Israel and Brendan at 1 and we'll shift."  Dean said.

Brendan sighed. "Ok." I crawled onto the moss bed before anyone else could get it and drifted asleep.

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