Few Words from the Author

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Hello, this is my story which I came up with after finding an old journal I use to write in during 1st and 2nd Grade. The journal had a bunch of short adventure stories that were about vampires and ghosts and all that stuff. Sadly my mother threw it out. After 3 years I decided to rewrite the story but as a whole. I couldn't remember much so I just started adding progressively when I started. The first part which is chapter one was originally written by me and then edited later on by Ayva. We continued editing the first and second chapter until my other friends heard about the story. Because of that they all wanted to help out. The chapters were written in 5th grade and we stopped writing it entirely after a couple months. I slowly started adding more parts with out them and then moved schools. During that period I lost all my work and couldn't find a way to get it back. Luckily a copy was in another account of mine, but didn't have the whole story.  I tried reaching out to my old friends but none of them except one could help. That one didn't do anything though. My new friends thankfully helped me out and we started writing again. Dima and I wrote a majority of the story and the other people mentioned in the credits barely did anything much less read it. So Dima and I continued with out them and occasionally got some information or additions to the story from two of them a month after starting it. Now, I'm the only editor and writer left to the whole entire story and we only managed to write a quarter of the book. It's been 3 years and I'm a lowly 8th grader who will probably stop writing within a couple months.  My grammar isn't as good as most of the really great authors on Wattpad so please don't judge. Luckily I hope this story gets completed within the next year and a half.

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