Makeup Sex

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Lena had just got off the phone with a very angry Stef. She had called her to see when she was going to be home and Stef had answered upset, going on about something at work and how she would be home when she gets home.

Lena was in the kitchen getting a water when she heard the front door open and slam shut. She walked to see Stef throwing her keys in a bowl next to the door. "where's Brandon?" Lena asked.

"At mikes for the night." Stef answered shortly walking passed Lena to the kitchen.

Lena followed her, "why is he there?"

Stef grabbed a beer out of the fridge. "Lena what is this 20 questions? damn."

Lena gave her a upset look, "Stef please don't cuss, you know I don't like it."

"Well I mean geez. You call asking when i'll be home, then as soon as I walk in the door it's 'where's Brandon,' and 'why is he at mikes'. Like shit he isn't your kid."

"Why are you acting like this? This is not you." Lena asked confused and hurt.

"Again with the questions."

"If you are going to act like this Stefanie, you will sleep in the guest room." Lena said stern.

"Maybe I want to sleep in there." said a stubborn Stef then taking a gulp of her beer.

"I can't deal with you right now. Drink your beer and do whatever you want. I'm going to shower." Lena turned around and walked up the stairs, having no clue why Stef was so angry and being so cruel.

Lena was getting out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her before walking into her room to put on clothes. When she walked out she saw Stef sitting on the bed with shorts and a t-shirt on and she sat with her hands between her knees and her head down. She looked up at Lena then walked over to her pushing her against the wall.

Lena pushed Stef back, "no, this is not happening. Not after the way you just acted towards me. specially since it was for no reason." Stef pushed Lena against the wall again and put her lips to Lena's kissing her forcefully. Lena tried pushing her back off her but couldn't. She opened her mouth to tell Stef to stop but as soon as she did Stef slid her tongue into Lena's mouth not allowing her to speak.

Stef pulled Lena's towel off with one head while she had the other against Lena's chest keeping her against the wall. Finally after trying to push Stef away Lena gave up and allowed Stef to grab her breasts.

Lena took charge letting her anger at Stef out. She pushed off the wall with her shoulders and back and pushed Stef onto the bed before yanking her shorts down and her shirt off. She climbed on top of Stef and put three fingers deep into Stef, going in and out hard and fast causing Stef to come fast. After being satisfied she flipped Lena over and kissed her roughly then softly putting her fingers into her deep and heard.

After both were satisfied Stef laid down on her back and pulled Lena next to her with Lena's head on her chest. She rubbed her arm up and down, "love I am so sorry for the way I acted. I had such a terrible day but there was absolutely no reason to act the way I did. Especially the love of my life. Please forgive me?" she kissed the top of Lena's head.

Lena rolled over putting her chin on Stef's chest, "yes I forgive. But please, next time just talk to me. okay?"

"Okay," Lena leaned forward and kissed Stef. "I love you so much Lena." She paused then spoke again before Lena could. "And it was wrong of me to say Brandon isn't your kid. you know I consider him as much of your kid as he is mine and mikes."

"I love you too babe and I know."

Stef and Lena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now