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There was a knock at my door I looked up and saw the receptionist and a upset looking Jude standing next to her.

"Jude, come in." He walked in and I turned to the receptionist, "Thank you Shiela." She left and I went and shut the door behind her. "hey honey, what's up?" I said turning back to Jude.

He stood there for a moment then spoke up. "A boy in my class were calling me a" he stopped.

I walked over to him and put my arm around him, giving him a squeeze, "what was he calling you?"

"It's kind of a bad word. Umm." he took a deep breath "he called me a fag." he whispered the word. My heart instantly broke while anger filled me.

I turned him to face me. "who called you that? I need to know, they need to be in trouble."

"No, mama. Please don't make me tell you. I came in here because I just wanted to get out of the class and away from him. I don't want to tattle on who it was. Please."

I kissed his forehead while bringing him in for a hug. "Oh baby, I'm not going to make you tell me but when you are ready to tell me who, I will be happy because he deserves punishment."

"But-but what if I am." he said. He had talked to Stef and I before about it but never told us he was.

"Well even if you are that word shouldn't be used to describe you and mom and me and everyone else love you for who you are. You understand that he is in the wrong here, not you?" He shook his head yes. "How about you stay in here for the rest of the day and I'll have you teacher email me you're work?"

"That sounds good."
Lunch time came and went and Jude was doing his work while I was doing mine. When finally he looked up at me and spoke. "It was Matt Green."

I smiled at him. "I'm going to have to tell the principal and bring them in and call their parents. You know that right?"

I had called the students parents and Stef since principal Sanchez wouldn't let me be in the meetng as his mother due to me being the vice principal and I couldn't be in there as the vice principal since I was his mother.

Stef arrived before the parent's and she was still wearing her uniform because she had to go back in after. She hugged Jude "hey bud, will you give mama and me a minute please?" he left the room and Stef shut the door. "What the hell Lena?"

"Stef, calm down, don't cuss at me." I knew she was upset, I was too but we needed to remail calm.

She walked over to me and kissed me. "I'm sorry. But why does this rude kid think he can call Jude that? I am seriously baffled at all of this. I know people don't think it's right and that we have had our fair share of hate. But a kid calling another kid this hateful word, I'm not going to have it."

"I know. I wish I could be in the room with ya'll but I understand it's a conflict of interes.Just promise me you will try to keep calm."

"For you and Jude, I promise." She kissed me again before heading out to get Jude and go to the meeting.
"So, are you going to tell me how it went?" Lena asked as she got home. After the meeting Stef didn't went by Lena's office and told her they would talk later and she would take the kids home so that they didn't have to wait for her while she did some work.

"The parents were very nice and appalled at their sons behavior. At first I figured it was an act to be on my good side since I had my uniform on but it wasn't. The mom even has a brother who is gay. They said they would punish him at home and talk to him and that they don't understand why he would call Jude that or bully him. They made him apologize. Also Sanchez decided that he will be suspended for tomorrow and his parents were okay with it."

"Well I'm glad the parents don't think it's right. I was going to be very upset if they had tried to defend their sons behavior. Thank you for leaving early and being in the meeting." I kissed her cheek.

"I'm glad I could be in there. Even though I couldn't look at the child in the eyes."

"I know. Have you talked to Jude any?"

"No, I wanted to wait until you got home."

"Jude, honey can you come down stairs please." I said loud enough for him to hear. "Why don't we sit down." I said once he was in the kitchen. Stef and I sat next to each other and he sat across us.

"Babe, it was wrong of that boy to call you that and make fun of you for being different. You're not in the wrong here. You know that, yes?" Stef spoke to him.

"Yeah. I think I am gay though. I have feelings for Connor."

Stef and I looked at each other and then looked at him and gave him a genuine smile. "That's okay. Obviously we will love you no matter what. It's your life and you can live it how you want. We just want you to always be happy. I'm not going to lie, it's not easy being gay because of people being afraid of us being different but it's our life."

He got up and came around the table and hugged us both. "Mama sandwich." Stef said trying to make him feel better as we hugged him back.

"I love you moms."

"Oh honey we love you too." I kissed his head. "Why don't you go get your siblings and we will go out to eat, wherever you want."

Stef and Lena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now