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Mitch's POV

 I felt a searing pain, and then a bitter cold. There was some muttering, and I felt an odd pain in my chest. It was like a knife had been stabbed into my heart, and was working through my body. I let out a small groan of pain.

 "Zima, will he be alright?" Was that... Kirstie?

 "Yes child, he will be fine.

"He's bleeding..." Kirstie again.

"No child, it is the element." 

I didn't know what they were talking about... all I could focus on was the pain...

It wore off after a while, and I slowly felt my strength returning. I opened my eyes and saw Kirstie, sitting next to me on the bed. She was watching me intently. "Zima, he's awake!" She called. But there was something odd about her. Her eyes were blue, her skin was pale, and her hair was white. 

"Hello, child."

There was a woman there. She looked like Kirstie, but older and with different facial features. "Hello..." I whispered. "What's happening?" 

"You are becoming an Elemental. A Summer Element, dear child. Come, we must begin your training immediately."

Kirstie offered her hand and I took it. There was a painful spark of electricity. "Do not touch each other!" The woman ordered. "Mitch, you must learn to hone your powers before you can touch each other. You must stand on your own." 

I struggled to my feet and we walked quickly out of the hotel room. We left the hotel entirely and began walking through the streets of New York. The woman stopped and opened a door which seemingly led into the ground. "What is it?" I whispered to Kirstie.

"The Den. Don't worry Mitch, we're helping you. I promise." Kirstie said. I trusted her. I went into the 'Den' and looked around. There were a bunch of passageways. Small, glowing balls of light rushed through the area. 

"Zima, Ice!" A voice called. Another woman approached us. She had gray hair, and... odd clothes, to say the least. "Who is this?"

"This is Flame." The woman, Zima, said. 

"No, I'm Mitch." I said.

"When you are in these chambers, you are Flame." Zima said. 

"An Elemental," the gray-haired woman said with a slight nod. "Proceed."

We walked down a passage and came to a large room. There was a large globe-type thing rotating inside of it. "You brought him back!" I saw the man who had tried to kill me standing there, looking at us with disgust. "Must I kill him again?" 

"You attempted to kill him when he knew nothing, you fool." Zima hissed. "Now he is an Elemental, and you must train him."

"I must do nothing!" 

"I will train him," said a voice to our right. I turned to see a man who looked like the other one, with orange hair and eyes. "I am Sun."

"M- Flame." I greeted him. We shook hands and he swiped his hand towards me. My clothes were replaced with ones like his. "Is this... fire?" 

"It is."

"Isn't that dangerous?" 

"Not to an Elemental. Come, we must begin."

I left Kirstie behind with Zima and the man, following Sun down yet another passageway. 

Kirstie's POV

I turned to Heat. "You can't kill him now," I smirked. 

"Watch your tongue, four-year." He growled.

"Shut up, both of you." Zima ordered. I immediately fell silent, but Heat continued spouting off. 

"No! You cannot order me around! I am Heat, I am might, I am-"

I got bored and sent out a blast of ice. It settled on his lips, sealing them. It would be temporary, until he melted the ice off. "Well done, Ice." Zima smirked. "You truly are my apprentice."

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