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Kirstie was behind me, just about hyperventilating. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and dripping off the tip of her nose. "We'll get her back," I said, voice shaky. I knew I had to be strong for Kirstie.  "He'll take her to the Den, so we'll go there." She nodded and I led her outside. She summoned an ice cloud, and I summoned a fire cloud since I was powerful enough to melt the ice.

We flew to the den. Kirstie pried open the door and we ran. It didn't take long for us to get to New York, because time in the Den is different from time in the real world. The Den is faster than normal time, so it's faster to travel inside of it. Anyway, we burst into the Main Den and saw Zima there. "You cold-hearted, self-centered, bitch! Where the hell is my baby?" Kirstie yelled, stomping her feet as she approached Zima.

"Kirstin, calm yourself!"

"Fuck you! Give her back to me, right fucking now!"

"No." Zima shrugged. That pissed me off, more than I already had been. I thought about stepping in, but Kirstie clearly had it covered.

"I hate you Zima! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I used to love you, but how dare you have the

audacity to take my baby!" She screamed. Tears were falling from her eyes. "Give me my baby!" She sobbed. I decided it was time to step in.

I wrapped my arm around Kirstie's shoulder and she cried into my shirt. "Just give her back." I growled.

"I. said. no. Leave here, both of you. Or I will take your powers."

"How could you be so cold?" Kirstie wheezed.

"It's in my job description, sweetie."

"Don't fucking 'sweetie' me! Just give me my child! She's mine, not yours! I love her, you don't! She's just a little girl! She doesn't need this shit in her life! She doesn't even understand what's going on right now! Give her back! Now!"

Zima sighed. "Fine. Heat." A panel opened and revealed Heat with Autumn standing next to him. She was crying, begging for her mommy. It broke my heart.

"Autumn!" Kirstie exclaimed. She broke away from me, and started running to Autumn, but Zima blocked her.

"We must speak about rules-" the original began, but Kirstie glared at her. Before I even realized what was happening, Kirstie punched her, square in the jaw. Zima stumbed backwards and Kirstie hurried to Autumn. Heat put his hand across Autumn's chest, keeping Kirstie away from her.

"Zima was serious, Ice. There are r-" Kirstie blasted Heat with a heavy coat of ice. It wrapped around him and held him in place, effectively shutting him up. Of course he would melt it extremely fast, so time was of the essence. Kirstie gathered Autumn in her arms, holding our daughter closely against her chest.

"We're going home, baby." She whispered, and we took off running.

I hated them. All of them. Sun, and Rain, and Gust, and Snow, and every one of those motherfuckers that had their powers taken over the years. They didn't deserve to call themselves Elementals.

I just wanted them dead.

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